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Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey Book

Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey
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Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey, New York Times WellBlog regular contributor, Danielle Ofri has been praised for turning the triumphs and trials of medicine into riveting and compassionate stories. This e-book exclusive edition offers 98 pages of her best work. , Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey
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  • Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey
  • Written by author Danielle Ofri
  • Published by Beacon, 3/5/2013
  • New York Times WellBlog regular contributor, Danielle Ofri has been praised for turning the triumphs and trials of medicine into riveting and compassionate stories. This e-book exclusive edition offers 98 pages of her best work.
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New York Times WellBlog regular contributor, Danielle Ofri has been praised for turning the triumphs and trials of medicine into riveting and compassionate stories. This e-book exclusive edition offers 98 pages of her best work.

This eBook original exhibits Danielle Ofri's range and skill as a storyteller as well as her empathy and astuteness as a doctor. Her vivid prose brings the reader into bustling hospitals, tense exam rooms, and Ofri's own life, giving an up-close look at the fast-paced, life-and-death drama of becoming a doctor. She tells of a young man uncertain of his future who comes into the clinic with a stomach complaint but for whom Dr. Ofri sees that the most useful "treatment" she can offer him is SAT tutoring. She writes of a desperate struggle to communicate with a critically ill patient who only speaks Mandarin, of a doctor whose experience in the NICU leaves her paralyzed with PTSD, and of her own struggles with the fear of making fatal errors, the dangers of overconfidence, and the impossible attempts to balance the empathy necessary for good care with the distance necessary for self-preservation. Through these stories of her patients, colleagues, and her own experiences, Intensive Care offers poignant insight into the medical world, and into the hearts and minds of doctors and their patients. These stories are drawn from the author's previous books and one is from her forthcoming book, What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine.









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Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey, <i>New York Times</i> WellBlog regular contributor, Danielle Ofri has been praised for turning the triumphs and trials of medicine into riveting and compassionate stories. This e-book exclusive edition offers 98 pages of her best work.
 , Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey

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Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey, <i>New York Times</i> WellBlog regular contributor, Danielle Ofri has been praised for turning the triumphs and trials of medicine into riveting and compassionate stories. This e-book exclusive edition offers 98 pages of her best work.
 , Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey

Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey

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Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey, <i>New York Times</i> WellBlog regular contributor, Danielle Ofri has been praised for turning the triumphs and trials of medicine into riveting and compassionate stories. This e-book exclusive edition offers 98 pages of her best work.
 , Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey

Intensive Care: A Doctor's Journey

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