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Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas Book

Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas
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Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas, From the time of her husband's death at the Battle of the Little Big Horn until her own death fifty-seven years later, at the age of ninety, Mrs. George Armstrong Custer devoted herself to defending or embellishing her husband's reputation. This account, , Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas
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  • Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas
  • Written by author Elizabeth Bacon Custer
  • Published by University of Oklahoma Press, 1971
  • From the time of her husband's death at the Battle of the Little Big Horn until her own death fifty-seven years later, at the age of ninety, Mrs. George Armstrong Custer devoted herself to defending or embellishing her husband's reputation. This account,
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From the time of her husband's death at the Battle of the Little Big Horn until her own death fifty-seven years later, at the age of ninety, Mrs. George Armstrong Custer devoted herself to defending or embellishing her husband's reputation. This account, the second in Elizabeth's trilogy of her life with the General, focuses on the period immediately following the Civil War, when the Custers were stationed in Louisiana, Texas, and Kansas. She portrays the aftermath of the Civil War in Texas and life in Kansas while her husband took part in General Winfield Hancock's 1867 expedition against the Indians between the Arkansas and Platte rivers. Throughout, she provides detailed descriptions of an army officer's home life on the frontier during this major period of Indian unrest.









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Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas, From the time of her husband's death at the Battle of the Little Big Horn until her own death fifty-seven years later, at the age of ninety, Mrs. George Armstrong Custer devoted herself to defending or embellishing her husband's reputation. This account, , Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas

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Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas, From the time of her husband's death at the Battle of the Little Big Horn until her own death fifty-seven years later, at the age of ninety, Mrs. George Armstrong Custer devoted herself to defending or embellishing her husband's reputation. This account, , Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas

Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas

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Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas, From the time of her husband's death at the Battle of the Little Big Horn until her own death fifty-seven years later, at the age of ninety, Mrs. George Armstrong Custer devoted herself to defending or embellishing her husband's reputation. This account, , Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas

Tenting on the Plains: Or, General Custer in Kansas and Texas

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