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A history of Western musical aesthetics Book

A history of Western musical aesthetics
A history of Western musical aesthetics, <i>A History of Western Musical Aesthetics</i> follows through the centuries debates about the place and function of music, the perceived role of music as a good or bad influence on the development of character, as a magical art or a domestic entertainmen, A history of Western musical aesthetics has a rating of 3.5 stars
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A history of Western musical aesthetics, A History of Western Musical Aesthetics follows through the centuries debates about the place and function of music, the perceived role of music as a good or bad influence on the development of character, as a magical art or a domestic entertainmen, A history of Western musical aesthetics
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  • A history of Western musical aesthetics
  • Written by author Edward A. Lippman
  • Published by Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c1992., 1994/08/01
  • A History of Western Musical Aesthetics follows through the centuries debates about the place and function of music, the perceived role of music as a good or bad influence on the development of character, as a magical art or a domestic entertainmen
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Book Categories


1 Traditional Conceptions of Music
I Harmonic and Ethical Views 3
2 The Emergence of Aesthetic Issues
1 Music as a Fine Art 19
3 Expression and Rhetoric 26
4 Seventeenth-Century Views of Opera 42
3 The Eighteenth Century
5 Galant Aesthetics 59
6 Imitation and Expression 83
7 Operatic Aesthetics 137
4 The Nineteenth Century
8 Romantic Aesthetics 203
9 Emotional Realism 239
10 Formalism and Autonomy 291
11 The Idealist Tradition 320
5 The Twentieth Century
12 Theories of Meaning 351
13 Conceptions of Objectivity 393
14 The Phenomenology of Music 437
15 The Sociology of Music 470
Notes 511
Bibliography 519
Index 531









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A history of Western musical aesthetics, <i>A History of Western Musical Aesthetics</i> follows through the centuries debates about the place and function of music, the perceived role of music as a good or bad influence on the development of character, as a magical art or a domestic entertainmen, A history of Western musical aesthetics

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A history of Western musical aesthetics, <i>A History of Western Musical Aesthetics</i> follows through the centuries debates about the place and function of music, the perceived role of music as a good or bad influence on the development of character, as a magical art or a domestic entertainmen, A history of Western musical aesthetics

A history of Western musical aesthetics

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A history of Western musical aesthetics, <i>A History of Western Musical Aesthetics</i> follows through the centuries debates about the place and function of music, the perceived role of music as a good or bad influence on the development of character, as a magical art or a domestic entertainmen, A history of Western musical aesthetics

A history of Western musical aesthetics

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