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Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art Book

Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art
Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art, Archaeological digs have turned up sculptures in Inuit lands that are thousands of years old, but Inuit art as it is known today only dates back to the beginning of the 1900s. Early art was traditionally produced from soft materials such as whalebone, a, Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art has a rating of 3 stars
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Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art, Archaeological digs have turned up sculptures in Inuit lands that are thousands of years old, but Inuit art as it is known today only dates back to the beginning of the 1900s. Early art was traditionally produced from soft materials such as whalebone, a, Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art
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  • Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art
  • Written by author Richard C. Crandall
  • Published by McFarland & Company, Incorporated Publishers, August 2007
  • Archaeological digs have turned up sculptures in Inuit lands that are thousands of years old, but "Inuit art" as it is known today only dates back to the beginning of the 1900s. Early art was traditionally produced from soft materials such as whalebone, a
  • Archaeological digs have turned up sculptures in Inuit lands that are thousands of years old, but "Inuit art" as it is known today only dates back to the beginning of the 1900s. Early art was traditionally produced from soft materials such as whalebone, a
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Archaeological digs have turned up sculptures in Inuit lands that are thousands of years old, but "Inuit art" as it is known today only dates back to the beginning of the 1900s. Early art was traditionally produced from soft materials such as whalebone, and tools and objects were also fashioned out of stone, bone, and ivory because these materials were readily available. The Inuit people are known not just for their sculpture but for their graphic art as well, the most prominent forms being lithographs and stonecuts. This work affords easy access to information to those interested in any type of Inuit art. There are annotated entries on over 3,761 articles, books, catalogues, government documents, and other publications.

Author Biography: Veteran reference book author and college professor Richard C. Crandall has lectured and presented papers to many professional associations, especially in the fields of sociology and gerontology. Crandall and his coauthor and wife Susan M. Crandall live in Michigan. He is also the author of Inuit Art: A History (2000, $55).









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Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art, Archaeological digs have turned up sculptures in Inuit lands that are thousands of years old, but Inuit art as it is known today only dates back to the beginning of the 1900s. Early art was traditionally produced from soft materials such as whalebone, a, Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art

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Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art, Archaeological digs have turned up sculptures in Inuit lands that are thousands of years old, but Inuit art as it is known today only dates back to the beginning of the 1900s. Early art was traditionally produced from soft materials such as whalebone, a, Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art

Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art

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Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art, Archaeological digs have turned up sculptures in Inuit lands that are thousands of years old, but Inuit art as it is known today only dates back to the beginning of the 1900s. Early art was traditionally produced from soft materials such as whalebone, a, Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art

Annotated Bibliography of Inuit Art

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