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Casseroles Book

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Casseroles, The ultimate in comfort food, a casserole is perfect for family meals, or as a special dish for a dinner party. By simply putting all the ingredients in one pot and cooking them together, flavors are mixed and enhanced, and the food becomes very tender. P, Casseroles
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  • Casseroles
  • Written by author Stella Caldwell
  • Published by Sterling Publishing, 2003
  • The ultimate in comfort food, a casserole is perfect for family meals, or as a special dish for a dinner party. By simply putting all the ingredients in one pot and cooking them together, flavors are mixed and enhanced, and the food becomes very tender. P
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The ultimate in comfort food, a casserole is perfect for family meals, or as a special dish for a dinner party. By simply putting all the ingredients in one pot and cooking them together, flavors are mixed and enhanced, and the food becomes very tender. Preparation time and washing-up is kept to a minimum. Meaning that as being delicious, casserole cooking is simple and quick.

Casseroles contains over 160 tempting recipes that include both traditional and contemporary dishes from around the world, from the French Coq au Vin and Boeuf en Daube Provencal to the North African Tagine and east to India and Malaysia for many spice-filled curries. As well as meat and poultry dishes, a range of fish, seafood and vegetarian casseroles are also included, further demonstrating the versatility of this timeless dish. Many of the recipes can be prepared in advance, and frozen and reheated when necessary. In fact, flavors improve and mature on keeping!

With clear instructions at every stage accompanied by full-color step-by-step photography and a finished shot of every dish, Casseroles is the perfect guide to this ever-popular style of cooking.









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Casseroles, The ultimate in comfort food, a casserole is perfect for family meals, or as a special dish for a dinner party. By simply putting all the ingredients in one pot and cooking them together, flavors are mixed and enhanced, and the food becomes very tender. P, Casseroles

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Casseroles, The ultimate in comfort food, a casserole is perfect for family meals, or as a special dish for a dinner party. By simply putting all the ingredients in one pot and cooking them together, flavors are mixed and enhanced, and the food becomes very tender. P, Casseroles


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Casseroles, The ultimate in comfort food, a casserole is perfect for family meals, or as a special dish for a dinner party. By simply putting all the ingredients in one pot and cooking them together, flavors are mixed and enhanced, and the food becomes very tender. P, Casseroles


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