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Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington Book

Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington
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Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington, Once beckoning to ocean-weary sailors, the lighthouses of the Pacific Coast still stand as beacons to adventurous travelers. Let this beautifully illustrated book conduct you to these classic lighthouses and treat you the fascinating stories behind these, Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington
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  • Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington
  • Written by author Randy Leffingwell
  • Published by MBI Publishing Company, January 31, 2010
  • Once beckoning to ocean-weary sailors, the lighthouses of the Pacific Coast still stand as beacons to adventurous travelers. Let this beautifully illustrated book conduct you to these classic lighthouses and treat you the fascinating stories behind these
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Once beckoning to ocean-weary sailors, the lighthouses of the Pacific Coast still stand as beacons to adventurous travelers. Let this beautifully illustrated book conduct you to these classic lighthouses and treat you the fascinating stories behind these picturesque structures and the keepers who served in them. Along with the history of the lighthouses' development and service, the book also delves into their technological evolution, with special attention to the architecture, the actual lights and lenses, and today's movement to preserve and restore them. A breathtaking and edifying tour page by page, the book is also an ideal, informative guide for those who wish to venture into the living history of these coastal lighthouses.









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Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington, Once beckoning to ocean-weary sailors, the lighthouses of the Pacific Coast still stand as beacons to adventurous travelers.  Let this beautifully illustrated book conduct you to these classic lighthouses and treat you the fascinating stories behind these, Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington

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Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington, Once beckoning to ocean-weary sailors, the lighthouses of the Pacific Coast still stand as beacons to adventurous travelers.  Let this beautifully illustrated book conduct you to these classic lighthouses and treat you the fascinating stories behind these, Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington

Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington

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Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington, Once beckoning to ocean-weary sailors, the lighthouses of the Pacific Coast still stand as beacons to adventurous travelers.  Let this beautifully illustrated book conduct you to these classic lighthouses and treat you the fascinating stories behind these, Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington

Lighthouses of the Pacific Coast: Your Guide to the Lighthouses of California, Oregon, and Washington

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