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The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities Book

The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities
The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities, Nine essays, most from two lecture series arranged by The Danish Science-Theology Forum during the autumn and spring terms of 1999-2000, share insights into the science of complexity, and explore the significance of complexity research to the humanities a, The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities has a rating of 4 stars
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The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities, Nine essays, most from two lecture series arranged by The Danish Science-Theology Forum during the autumn and spring terms of 1999-2000, share insights into the science of complexity, and explore the significance of complexity research to the humanities a, The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities
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  • The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities
  • Written by author Kees Van Kooten Niekerk
  • Published by Ashgate Publishing, Limited, January 2004
  • Nine essays, most from two lecture series arranged by The Danish Science-Theology Forum during the autumn and spring terms of 1999-2000, share insights into the science of complexity, and explore the significance of complexity research to the humanities a
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List of Figures
List of Contributors
1Introduction: Comprehending Complexity1
2At Home in a Complex World: Lessons from the Frontiers of Natural Science21
3Complexity and the Computing Age: Can Computers Help Us to Understand Complex Phenomena in Nature?47
4Complexity Theory Provides Metaphors for a Better Understanding of Biological Processes: A Holistic Approach to Explaining the Stress Response75
5Complexity in Interactive Art: In Search of a Digital Aesthetic95
6Complexity and Non-completeness121
7Complexity: What is at Stake for Religious Reflection?135
8Complexity in Systematic Theology: The Case for the Christian Concept of 'New Creation' in the Dialogue with Science167
9Evolution and Human Uniqueness: A Theological Perspective on the Emergence of Human Complexity195









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The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities, Nine essays, most from two lecture series arranged by The Danish Science-Theology Forum during the autumn and spring terms of 1999-2000, share insights into the science of complexity, and explore the significance of complexity research to the humanities a, The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities

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The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities, Nine essays, most from two lecture series arranged by The Danish Science-Theology Forum during the autumn and spring terms of 1999-2000, share insights into the science of complexity, and explore the significance of complexity research to the humanities a, The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities

The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities

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The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities, Nine essays, most from two lecture series arranged by The Danish Science-Theology Forum during the autumn and spring terms of 1999-2000, share insights into the science of complexity, and explore the significance of complexity research to the humanities a, The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities

The Significance of Complexity: Approaching a Complex World Through Science, Theology and the Humanities

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