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Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making Book

Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making
Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making, Clinicians are taught masses of facts, but not how to use them in the messy reality of patient care. This book provides a missing link between evidence and the clinical coalface. Though there are plenty of guides to evidence-based medicine, few explain ho, Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making has a rating of 4.5 stars
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Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making, Clinicians are taught masses of facts, but not how to use them in the messy reality of patient care. This book provides a missing link between evidence and the clinical coalface. Though there are plenty of guides to evidence-based medicine, few explain ho, Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making
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  • Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making
  • Written by author Chris Del Mar
  • Published by Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated, May 2006
  • Clinicians are taught masses of facts, but not how to use them in the messy reality of patient care. This book provides a missing link between evidence and the clinical coalface. Though there are plenty of guides to evidence-based medicine, few explain ho
  • Clinicians are taught masses of facts, but not how to use them in the messy reality of patient care. This book provides a missing link between evidence and the clinical coalface. Though there are plenty of guides to evidence-based medicine, few explain ho
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Book Categories


Ch. 1Principles of clinical problem solving1
Ch. 2Communication in clinical care12
Ch. 3Models of disease27
Ch. 4Diagnosis38
Ch. 5Fine art of prognostication58
Ch. 6Making clinical management decisions71
Ch. 7Monitoring in chronic disease84
Ch. 8Screening for disease, health promotion and disease prevention99
Ch. 9Endpiece114









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Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making, Clinicians are taught masses of facts, but not how to use them in the messy reality of patient care. This book provides a missing link between evidence and the clinical coalface. Though there are plenty of guides to evidence-based medicine, few explain ho, Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making

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Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making, Clinicians are taught masses of facts, but not how to use them in the messy reality of patient care. This book provides a missing link between evidence and the clinical coalface. Though there are plenty of guides to evidence-based medicine, few explain ho, Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making

Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making

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Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making, Clinicians are taught masses of facts, but not how to use them in the messy reality of patient care. This book provides a missing link between evidence and the clinical coalface. Though there are plenty of guides to evidence-based medicine, few explain ho, Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making

Clinical Thinking: Evidence, Communication and Decision-Making

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