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Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen Book

Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen
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Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen, The history of Urquhart Castle and the glen on which it stands from its Pictish occupation to the arrival of industry in the 19th century and the legend of the Loch Ness Monster. Using the physical evidence from the site, author Nick Bridgland traces the , Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen
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  • Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen
  • Written by author Nick Bridgland
  • Published by Batsford Ltd, 2006/03/24
  • The history of Urquhart Castle and the glen on which it stands from its Pictish occupation to the arrival of industry in the 19th century and the legend of the Loch Ness Monster. Using the physical evidence from the site, author Nick Bridgland traces the
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The history of Urquhart Castle and the glen on which it stands from its Pictish occupation to the arrival of industry in the 19th century and the legend of the Loch Ness Monster. Using the physical evidence from the site, author Nick Bridgland traces the development of castle and glen, chronicling the role it played in Scottish and regional history. Well illustrated with artifacts, paintings, maps and diagrams, it includes: Pictish occupation and culture; The spread of lowland Royal control into the region and the early origins of Urquhart Castle; Urquhart as a Highland prize during the wars of independence; The Battle of Ross; Decline of the castle in the 17th century; Highland risings, government forts and agricultural developments on the site during the 18th century; The 19th-century arrival of industry, the Caledonian canal, and the first sighting of the Loch Ness Monster.









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Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen, The history of Urquhart Castle and the glen on which it stands from its Pictish occupation to the arrival of industry in the 19th century and the legend of the Loch Ness Monster. Using the physical evidence from the site, author Nick Bridgland traces the , Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen

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Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen, The history of Urquhart Castle and the glen on which it stands from its Pictish occupation to the arrival of industry in the 19th century and the legend of the Loch Ness Monster. Using the physical evidence from the site, author Nick Bridgland traces the , Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen

Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen

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Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen, The history of Urquhart Castle and the glen on which it stands from its Pictish occupation to the arrival of industry in the 19th century and the legend of the Loch Ness Monster. Using the physical evidence from the site, author Nick Bridgland traces the , Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen

Urquhart Castle and the Great Glen

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