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May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World Book

May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World
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May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World, John Robbins is considered by many to be the most eloquent and powerful spokesman in the country for a sane and sustainable future. In May All Be Fed, he explains why so few have so much to eat and why so many have so little. With thorough documentation, , May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World
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  • May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World
  • Written by author John Robbins, Jia Patton
  • Published by William Morrow & Co, 1992/09/01
  • John Robbins is considered by many to be the most eloquent and powerful spokesman in the country for a sane and sustainable future. In May All Be Fed, he explains why so few have so much to eat and why so many have so little. With thorough documentation,
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John Robbins is considered by many to be the most eloquent and powerful spokesman in the country for a sane and sustainable future. In May All Be Fed, he explains why so few have so much to eat and why so many have so little. With thorough documentation, Robbins exposes the commercial and political forces that cause the affluent to suffer from heart disease, osteoporosis, and other diet-related diseases, and also cause the poor to be deprived of a basic human right - ample, wholesome food. May All Be Fed is a guide to eating with appreciation and gratitude, and to understanding how our food choices affect our health and our world. The message is straightforward - the way we eat has a significant impact. By consciously making our choices as to how and what we eat, this intimate and fundamental part of our lives can be an effective expression of our desire to create a healthy life for ourselves and contribute to the health of others. The first step is to become aware of how advertising and commercially motivated educational programming shape our food choices, and mislead us toward disease and unhappiness. Robbins reveals the deceptive tactics often used by food manufacturers, producers, and lobbyists to get us to purchase their products. Recognizing and talking about these issues isn't enough. May All Be Fed shows us how to turn words into actions: A detailed list of 124 substantive ideas of what you can do to make your voice heard. Why a reduction in meat consumption may well be the most effective single action you can take. Crucial information about today's chicken, fish, dairy products, and eggs. Learn a new way of eating with 200 delicious recipes, including whole-grain breakfast cereals and puddings; tasty soups; hearty stews and chilis; crunchy as well as leafy salads; and satisfying fruit desserts. May All Be Fed is a worthy sequel to the author's acclaimed international best-seller, Diet for a New America. With his powerful yet gentle style, John Robbins

The bestselling author of Diet for a New America presents his greatest achievement yet--a practical look at how we can change ourselves and the world by changing the way we eat. PBS has prepared an hour-long documentary about Robbins scheduled to air next year.









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May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World, John Robbins is considered by many to be the most eloquent and powerful spokesman in the country for a sane and sustainable future. In May All Be Fed, he explains why so few have so much to eat and why so many have so little. With thorough documentation, , May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World

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May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World, John Robbins is considered by many to be the most eloquent and powerful spokesman in the country for a sane and sustainable future. In May All Be Fed, he explains why so few have so much to eat and why so many have so little. With thorough documentation, , May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World

May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World

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May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World, John Robbins is considered by many to be the most eloquent and powerful spokesman in the country for a sane and sustainable future. In May All Be Fed, he explains why so few have so much to eat and why so many have so little. With thorough documentation, , May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World

May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World

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