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Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000 Book

Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000
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Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000, Beyond Nations traces the evolution of peripheral ethnic homelands around the North Atlantic, from before transoceanic contact to their current standing in the world political system. For example, Megumaage, homeland of the Micmac is transformed into , Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000
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  • Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000
  • Written by author Chavez, John R
  • Published by Cambridge University Press, 2009
  • Beyond Nations traces the evolution of "peripheral" ethnic homelands around the North Atlantic, from before transoceanic contact to their current standing in the world political system. For example, "Megumaage," homeland of the Micmac is transformed into
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Introduction: images of concentric community; 1. Native American images of community - evolving homelands; 2. Visions of homeland in Europe and Africa - changing communities; 3. Designs for transatlantic empire - the colonial era, 1400–1700; 4. Envisioning nations - incorporation of independences, 1700–1820; 5. Conceiving federations - national development, 1820-1880; 6. Imperial designs revived - the second colonial era, 1880–1945; 7. Postcolonial visions - internationalism and decolonization, 1945–1975; 8. Supranational conceptions - continental confederations, 1975–2000; Conclusion: postnational visions - imagined federalisms.









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Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000, Beyond Nations traces the evolution of peripheral ethnic homelands around the North Atlantic, from before transoceanic contact to their current standing in the world political system. For example, Megumaage, homeland of the Micmac is transformed into , Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000

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Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000, Beyond Nations traces the evolution of peripheral ethnic homelands around the North Atlantic, from before transoceanic contact to their current standing in the world political system. For example, Megumaage, homeland of the Micmac is transformed into , Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000

Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000

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Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000, Beyond Nations traces the evolution of peripheral ethnic homelands around the North Atlantic, from before transoceanic contact to their current standing in the world political system. For example, Megumaage, homeland of the Micmac is transformed into , Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000

Beyond Nations: Evolving Homelands in the North Atlantic World, 1400-2000

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