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Viking Heat Book

Viking Heat
Viking Heat, Psychologist Joy Nelson thinks things are bad when she finds herself training in the modern-day female Navy SEALs program. But then her life takes a turn for the worse. Somehow she's been thrust back in time to the cold Norselands, being auctioned off as , Viking Heat has a rating of 3.5 stars
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Viking Heat, Psychologist Joy Nelson thinks things are bad when she finds herself training in the modern-day female Navy SEALs program. But then her life takes a turn for the worse. Somehow she's been thrust back in time to the cold Norselands, being auctioned off as , Viking Heat
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  • Viking Heat
  • Written by author Sandra Hill
  • Published by Penguin Group (USA), September 2009
  • Psychologist Joy Nelson thinks things are bad when she finds herself training in the modern-day female Navy SEALs program. But then her life takes a turn for the worse. Somehow she's been thrust back in time to the cold Norselands, being auctioned off as
  • Psychologist Joy Nelson thinks things are bad when she finds herself training in the modern-day female Navy SEALs program. But then her life takes a turn for the worse. Somehow she's been thrust back in time to the cold Norselands, being auctioned off as
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Psychologist Joy Nelson thinks things are bad when she finds herself training in the modern-day female Navy SEALs program. But then her life takes a turn for the worse. Somehow she's been thrust back in time to the cold Norselands, being auctioned off as a thrall, or slave—a gift for a Viking warlord, who would be a perfect candidate for Male Chauvinist Viking of the Centuries.

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Viking Heat, Psychologist Joy Nelson thinks things are bad when she finds herself training in the modern-day female Navy SEALs program. But then her life takes a turn for the worse. Somehow she's been thrust back in time to the cold Norselands, being auctioned off as , Viking Heat

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Viking Heat, Psychologist Joy Nelson thinks things are bad when she finds herself training in the modern-day female Navy SEALs program. But then her life takes a turn for the worse. Somehow she's been thrust back in time to the cold Norselands, being auctioned off as , Viking Heat

Viking Heat

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Viking Heat, Psychologist Joy Nelson thinks things are bad when she finds herself training in the modern-day female Navy SEALs program. But then her life takes a turn for the worse. Somehow she's been thrust back in time to the cold Norselands, being auctioned off as , Viking Heat

Viking Heat

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