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Child of the Holocaust Book

Child of the Holocaust
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Child of the Holocaust, This unique childhood memoir of the Holocaust has been praised as powerful (Cincinnati Inquirer), touching (Jewish Digest), and heartbreaking (Library Journal). A true story of rare beauty and remarkable power, it has become an , Child of the Holocaust
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  • Child of the Holocaust
  • Written by author Jack Kuper
  • Published by Berkley Publishing Group, 1999/04/01
  • This unique childhood memoir of the Holocaust has been praised as "powerful" (Cincinnati Inquirer), "touching" (Jewish Digest), and "heartbreaking" (Library Journal). A true story of rare beauty and remarkable power, it has become an
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This unique childhood memoir of the Holocaust has been praised as "powerful" (Cincinnati Inquirer), "touching" (Jewish Digest), and "heartbreaking" (Library Journal). A true story of rare beauty and remarkable power, it has become an enduring classic. One day, when Jacob Kuperblum was eight, he came home to his town in Poland. His family and friends were gone, rounded up by the Germans only hours earlier. He would never see them again. Thus begins a journey of survival as a young boy travels from town to town in a desperate search for safety and shelter, growing up in fear, deprived of his home and his people--and even his identity. All that survived was his spirit--and his indomitable will to live. Child of the Holocaust is the acclaimed account of Jacob Kuperblum--an unforgettable and moving tale of adversity and triumph.

At the age of eight, Jakob Kuperblum returned home to find that his family and friends had been rounded up by the Germans. He knew he would never see them again. His desperate search for safety as he runs from town to town, growing up in fear, deprived of his true identity, constitutes a heartbreaking and moving story of love and courage. "A beautiful celebration of a child's will to survive." Publishers Weekly.









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Child of the Holocaust, This unique childhood memoir of the Holocaust has been praised as powerful (<i>Cincinnati Inquirer</i>), touching (<i>Jewish Digest</i>), and heartbreaking (<i>Library Journal</i>). A true story of rare beauty and remarkable power, it has become an , Child of the Holocaust

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Child of the Holocaust, This unique childhood memoir of the Holocaust has been praised as powerful (<i>Cincinnati Inquirer</i>), touching (<i>Jewish Digest</i>), and heartbreaking (<i>Library Journal</i>). A true story of rare beauty and remarkable power, it has become an , Child of the Holocaust

Child of the Holocaust

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Child of the Holocaust, This unique childhood memoir of the Holocaust has been praised as powerful (<i>Cincinnati Inquirer</i>), touching (<i>Jewish Digest</i>), and heartbreaking (<i>Library Journal</i>). A true story of rare beauty and remarkable power, it has become an , Child of the Holocaust

Child of the Holocaust

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