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A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide Book

A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide
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A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide, A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good is a unique study of humanity's most reprehensible actions. It documents genocides that have occurred after World War IIâ€a period that was supposed to be the fulfillment of, A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide
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  • A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide
  • Written by author Paul R. Bartrop
  • Published by ABC-CLIO, Incorporated, 7/30/2012
  • A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good is a unique study of humanity's most reprehensible actions. It documents genocides that have occurred after World War IIâ€"a period that was supposed to be the fulfillment of
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A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good is a unique study of humanity's most reprehensible actions. It documents genocides that have occurred after World War IIâ€"a period that was supposed to be the fulfillment of the promise "never again"â€"by providing biographies rather than extensive historical narratives. The entries describe the personal backgrounds; careers; and relationship to genocidal events, humanitarian actions, or international initiatives relevant to each person in the book. Beyond examining the genocidaires who played key roles in mass murder, individuals who contributed to efforts to stop genocide are also profiled. By adopting a biographical approach to post-World War II genocide, the author sheds light on why people behave the way they do toward their fellow human beings and provides vital insights into the extremes of human positivity and negativity that have characterized this period of history.| |Serving as a vital tool for scholars and students of genocide as well as compelling reading for general audiences, the book highlights individual human behaviors, motivations, backgrounds, and intentions that can form a platform from which to raise and discuss issues of morality and ethics in the modern world.









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A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide, A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good is a unique study of humanity's most reprehensible actions. It documents genocides that have occurred after World War IIâ€a period that was supposed to be the fulfillment of, A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide

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A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide, A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good is a unique study of humanity's most reprehensible actions. It documents genocides that have occurred after World War IIâ€a period that was supposed to be the fulfillment of, A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide

A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide

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A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide, A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide: Portraits of Evil and Good is a unique study of humanity's most reprehensible actions. It documents genocides that have occurred after World War IIâ€a period that was supposed to be the fulfillment of, A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide

A Biographical Encyclopedia of Contemporary Genocide

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