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State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992 Book

State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992
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State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992, This volume investigates the roots of the current conflict in the former Yugoslavia, as they were shaped and transformed during the communist period. The contributors provide a better understanding of the success and failures of the Yugoslav socialist sta, State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992
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  • State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992
  • Written by author Jill A. Irvine, Melissa Bokovoy, Carol Lilly
  • Published by Palgrave MacMillan, 1997/01/15
  • This volume investigates the roots of the current conflict in the former Yugoslavia, as they were shaped and transformed during the communist period. The contributors provide a better understanding of the success and failures of the Yugoslav socialist sta
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Introduction: State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992 1
Pt. I Regime Consolidation and Strategies of Legitimation
Introduction 27
1 The People's Prince - Tito and Tito's Yugoslavia: Legitimation, Legend, and Linchpin 35
2 State Cohesion and the Military 61
3 History Education and Yugoslav (Dis-)Integration 79
Pt. II Social Forces, Social Movements, and the State
4 Peasants and Partisans: Politics of the Yugoslav Countryside, 1945-1953 115
5 Propaganda to Pornography: Party, Society, and Culture in Postwar Yugoslavia 139
6 Socializing the State: Civil Society and Democratization from Below in Slovenia 163
7 Feminist Movements in Yugoslavia, 1978-1992 183
8 The Role of Religious Communities in the Development of Civil Society in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992 211
Pt. III Nation and State
Introduction 235
9 Yugoslav Macedonia, 1943-1953: Building the Party, the State and the Nation 243
10 The Bosnian Muslims: The Making of a Yugoslav Nation 267
11 Reconstituting Serbia, 1945-1991 291
12 "Serpent in the Bosom": Slobodan Milosevic and Serbian Nationalism 315
Conclusion: The Yugoslav Experience in Comparative Perspective 345
Contributors 367
Index 368









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State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992, This volume investigates the roots of the current conflict in the former Yugoslavia, as they were shaped and transformed during the communist period. The contributors provide a better understanding of the success and failures of the Yugoslav socialist sta, State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992

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State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992, This volume investigates the roots of the current conflict in the former Yugoslavia, as they were shaped and transformed during the communist period. The contributors provide a better understanding of the success and failures of the Yugoslav socialist sta, State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992

State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992

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State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992, This volume investigates the roots of the current conflict in the former Yugoslavia, as they were shaped and transformed during the communist period. The contributors provide a better understanding of the success and failures of the Yugoslav socialist sta, State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992

State-Society Relations in Yugoslavia, 1945-1992

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