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Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest Book

Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest
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Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest, In the flourishing ancient Indian communities of the American Southwest and northwest Mexico, master potters created ceramic arts that are considered among the most accomplished in the world. The symbolic imagery and distinctive local styles of the region, Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest
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  • Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest
  • Written by author Richard Townsend, Ken Kokrda, Barbara Moulard
  • Published by Yale University Press, 2005/09/02
  • In the flourishing ancient Indian communities of the American Southwest and northwest Mexico, master potters created ceramic arts that are considered among the most accomplished in the world. The symbolic imagery and distinctive local styles of the region
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Foreword 6
Acknowledgments 9
Map of the ancient Southwest 11
Timeline of Southwestern ceramic traditions 12
Casas Grandes in the art of the ancient Southwest 14
Archaism and emulation in Casas Grandes painted pottery 66
Approaching Casas Grandes 98
Plate section (with note to the reader) 122









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Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest, In the flourishing ancient Indian communities of the American Southwest and northwest Mexico, master potters created ceramic arts that are considered among the most accomplished in the world. The symbolic imagery and distinctive local styles of the region, Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest

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Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest, In the flourishing ancient Indian communities of the American Southwest and northwest Mexico, master potters created ceramic arts that are considered among the most accomplished in the world. The symbolic imagery and distinctive local styles of the region, Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest

Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest

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Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest, In the flourishing ancient Indian communities of the American Southwest and northwest Mexico, master potters created ceramic arts that are considered among the most accomplished in the world. The symbolic imagery and distinctive local styles of the region, Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest

Casas Grandes and the Ceramic Art of the Ancient Southwest

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