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Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism Book

Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism
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Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism, Seeking to rebuild the Russian film industry after its post-Soviet collapse, directors and producers sparked a revival of nationalist and patriotic sentiment by applying Hollywood techniques to themes drawn from Russian history. Unsettled by the governmen, Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism
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  • Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism
  • Written by author Stephen M. Norris
  • Published by Indiana University Press, 10/19/2012
  • Seeking to rebuild the Russian film industry after its post-Soviet collapse, directors and producers sparked a revival of nationalist and patriotic sentiment by applying Hollywood techniques to themes drawn from Russian history. Unsettled by the governmen
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Preface Acknowledgments
1. Introduction: Multiplexing Russia Part 1. The Russia That We Lost
2. The First Blockbuster of the New Nation
3. Terrorism Then and Now
4. Wars and Gambits
5. A Requiem for Communism Part 2. The Price of War
6. Mirror of War
7. Playing with History Part 3. Back in the USSR
8. The Blessed Blockbuster
9. The Soviet Horror Show Part 4. Fantasy Pop History
10. Animating the Past
11. The Look of Fantasy
12. The Business of Patriotism
13. The Production of the Past
14. Conclusion: Packaging the Past Notes Index









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Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism, Seeking to rebuild the Russian film industry after its post-Soviet collapse, directors and producers sparked a revival of nationalist and patriotic sentiment by applying Hollywood techniques to themes drawn from Russian history. Unsettled by the governmen, Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism

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Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism, Seeking to rebuild the Russian film industry after its post-Soviet collapse, directors and producers sparked a revival of nationalist and patriotic sentiment by applying Hollywood techniques to themes drawn from Russian history. Unsettled by the governmen, Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism

Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism

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Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism, Seeking to rebuild the Russian film industry after its post-Soviet collapse, directors and producers sparked a revival of nationalist and patriotic sentiment by applying Hollywood techniques to themes drawn from Russian history. Unsettled by the governmen, Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism

Blockbuster History in the New Russia: Movies, Memory, and Patriotism

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