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Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east Book

Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east
Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east, Anna Forbes, wife of the distinguished naturalist, Henry O. Forbes, was one of those resourceful Victorian women who traveled to remote locales, lived a life of privation for months on end—observing everyone and everything around them—then published unass, Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east has a rating of 3.5 stars
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Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east, Anna Forbes, wife of the distinguished naturalist, Henry O. Forbes, was one of those resourceful Victorian women who traveled to remote locales, lived a life of privation for months on end—observing everyone and everything around them—then published unass, Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east
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  • Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east
  • Written by author Anna Forbes
  • Published by Singapore : Oxford University Press, 1987, 12/10/1987
  • Anna Forbes, wife of the distinguished naturalist, Henry O. Forbes, was one of those resourceful Victorian women who traveled to remote locales, lived a life of privation for months on end—observing everyone and everything around them—then published unass
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Anna Forbes, wife of the distinguished naturalist, Henry O. Forbes, was one of those resourceful Victorian women who traveled to remote locales, lived a life of privation for months on end—observing everyone and everything around them—then published unassuming accounts of their experiences, which 100 years later still make interesting, entertaining reading. Unbeaten Tracks takes the reader from Batavia (then the capital of the Dutch East Indies) to Celebes, the Moluccas, the Nutmeg Islands, and finally Timur, where the book ends dramatically with the author, alone and stricken by fever, awaiting her husband's return from the dark interior.









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Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east, Anna Forbes, wife of the distinguished naturalist, Henry O. Forbes, was one of those resourceful Victorian women who traveled to remote locales, lived a life of privation for months on end—observing everyone and everything around them—then published unass, Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east

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Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east, Anna Forbes, wife of the distinguished naturalist, Henry O. Forbes, was one of those resourceful Victorian women who traveled to remote locales, lived a life of privation for months on end—observing everyone and everything around them—then published unass, Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east

Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east

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Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east, Anna Forbes, wife of the distinguished naturalist, Henry O. Forbes, was one of those resourceful Victorian women who traveled to remote locales, lived a life of privation for months on end—observing everyone and everything around them—then published unass, Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east

Unbeaten tracks in islands of the far east

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