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Reviews for Little Monster Did It!

 Little Monster Did It! magazine reviews

The average rating for Little Monster Did It! based on 2 reviews is 2 stars.has a rating of 2 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2018-11-21 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 1 stars William Shaw
Edad recomendada: 2 a 5 a�os Tema: Celos entre hermanos. El cuento describe la actitud de una ni�a que, "no sabe" que va a tener un hermanito y que de pronto su mam� le regala un mu�eco de un peque�o monstruo y al d�a siguiente llega a casa un nuevo hermanito. La ni�a no est� de acuerdo con la llegada del beb� y hace todo tipo de travesuras ech�ndole la culpa al peque�o monstruo. Cuando sus padres la amenazan con echar al monstruo de casa lo esconde en la habitaci�n del hermano y se hace amigo del beb�, "por arte de magia" y es entonces cuando los padres pasan tiempo con la hija mayor y el monstruo sigue haciendo trastadas pero con el hermano peque�o. No veo por ning�n lado la parte did�ctica, sinceramente, no ayuda a entender los sentimiento de la protagonista, los padres no dialogan con ella, el ni�o aparece de repente en casa, es todo un poco extra�o.
Review # 2 was written on 2021-01-22 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 3 stars Leslie Torres
A nice book that looks at the changing family dynamics when there is a new baby. At the beginning, Amy and Little Monster are both a little apprehensive of the new baby, because he is crying all night and she doesn't get to spend much time with her parents. Little Monster is causing a lot of problems in the house by doing pranks, and in the end the parents say Little Monster will have to leave, and Amy is adamant that her baby brother will have to leave. In the end, as they are trying to find somewhere to hide Little Monster so that the parents can't get rid of him, they realise the perfect hiding place: in her brother's cot. Little Monster is there to comfort the baby, and Amy finally gets some time alone with her parents. A really sweet story that could help a child who is adjusting to a new baby in the family.

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