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Reviews for Soul Power: The Transformation that Happens when You Know

 Soul Power magazine reviews

The average rating for Soul Power: The Transformation that Happens when You Know based on 2 reviews is 4 stars.has a rating of 4 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2012-10-27 00:00:00
2003was given a rating of 4 stars Charles Burke
Soul Power is power that you get from being aware of being a soul in a body, rather than a body with a soul. No, I'm not being pedantic - it makes a difference to your experience of life. There's lots of reasons why this is so, and the author of this little tome has experienced them all and written about them here. In fact she has experienced many, many things that I've never even dreamed of experiencing. For example, she has had visions, she has spoken to God personally and she has had the experience of receiving God's attention and help - and more than once! Me? All I've had is a little dash of peace, a moderate dose of love and a smattering of contentment here and there. Still - mustn't (there's a word with a funny spelling) grumble. Truth is though, I get the impression that if I took the best, best, bestest parts of my life, tarted them up and stuck them in a book, it'd come out pretty much like this. And I think that this applies to just about everybody. There are the parts of life where nothing happens for ages - the parts where you are eating your dinner, or sitting in traffic, or waiting for the rain to stop; you know - the filling-in parts between the exciting stuff. And then you get your 'peak experiences' - the parts where you come alive and feel good and loved and you do memorable stuff like climb to the top of a hill and admire the beautiful view, have a really good night out, or realise that everything's alright just the way it is, and you actually remember and stay in that feeling for a good while. Oh, I don't know - doesn't life all seem so pointless sometimes - and then a couple of minutes later it all seems to be full of light and happiness? I reckon that it all depends on how you look at stuff. Next time you're bored, do this - go up to a total stranger and say to them "Hello, my name is Esmeralda" (it works even better if your name is really Tom) and just see what happens. Of course, this has nothing whatsoever to do with this book. This book is about Nikki's experience of finding her own Soul Power and of her transformation along the way. You could also say that it's about her journey to God. She seems to have had a fairly good time in the process (despite never having introduced herself as Esmeralda) so I can't fault her on that. What I would have liked though is more description of her experience of being herself in the throes of it all. Consider this: "I felt as if I were being transported to another dimension - one of light and purity as the waves of God's love washed over me like a tropical ocean - soothing and calming." Then consider this "God is a point of light, except for when I sat and meditated on the 8th of August 2015 and then he was like an ocean of light, and let me tell you, I was glad to have had that meditation!" Which one of the above descriptions is most likely to lead you into an experience of what it is like to bathe in the ocean of God's love? If you said the first one, then you would probably enjoy reading God's Healing Power: How Meditation Can Help Transform Your Life; if you said "what kind of stupid question is that - I just want to read a book, not experience it, fool!" then you might enjoy this book (although I would probably recommend getting some help with your anger management issues first); and if you said "the second description for definite" then ... really? How do you do that? That's amazing - please write a book for me! The End.
Review # 2 was written on 2013-05-04 00:00:00
2003was given a rating of 4 stars Brandon BarnettDoolittle
An easy to read book about starting the Christian walk no matter how damaged you may be. The book largely focuses on the life of the apostle Paul and the struggles he faced while attempting the good work the Lord intended for him to accomplish. Swindoll's message about Christian victory was very positive; he recognizes that the walk is not always easy but it is entirely worthwhile.

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