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Reviews for Two Dreams

 Two Dreams magazine reviews

The average rating for Two Dreams based on 2 reviews is 3 stars.has a rating of 3 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2019-09-01 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 5 stars BROOKE NOBLE
I usually like Cheryl Holt but this one was just mehh. It takes place in Jackson Hole , Wyoming and I lived there as a child and thought it would be nice to revisit it through the story. However CH didn't spend much time discribing the town or the people there. Allison (h) is a complete mess, she found her fiance cheating on her, her father is completely domineering and tells her that she needs to get used to a little infidelity and the banishes her to manage one of their hotels in Jackson Hole Wyoming. To top that off she's covered in an angry red rash from all of the stress. She makes an appointment with the town doctor as soon as she gets there but it must be in secret because a Master (her last name) never goes to the doctor, to admit such a weakness would be unspeakable to her father. When she gets there she finds the doctor sitting at his desk and for some reason she had thought that the doctor would be a female, but instead he's tall ,dark and hansome.....damn. Harley "Beau" (H) is just doing his sister a favor and waiting for her next app. to show so he can tell her that the doctor is running behind. When the poor woman shows up, she looks so worn down that he can't help but listen to her problems, knowing it's wrong to let her think he's the doctor he doesn't stop her because he knows just the thing to fix her problems.....him. However Harley's not without problems himself, he's a country singing star who's been out of the scene after a horrible plan crash that took the lives of all his band mates/ best friends. Now he's here in Jackson Hole with a contract to sing at the Masters Hotel. It's time to get back to doing what he loves. Obviously Allison finds out that Harley isn't the doctor, but not until she has told him EVERYTHING, including that she was told she was fridgid. The "doctor's" reply to that was that he would do a test on her to find out and of cousre the test was a kiss. Allison falls for this and goes in for the kiss, still thinking he's the doctor. I had a REALLY hard time swallowing this one, but then I remebered good ol Doctor Arie Oren. Incase your not familure with him, he's a doctor who ran a weight loss clinic and had convienced at least 6 women, ages 25-59, that they would burn 200 calories per orgasam. He would give them what he called "fat-busting" massages with his hands and electronic devices to help them out. He was arrested after ONE woman was a little frazzled afterwords and went to the police. I will never understand how someone wouldnt see right though that doctor at the very begining but I also believe that 2/3rds of the population are idiots. lol
Review # 2 was written on 2015-01-11 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 1 stars Jisang Kim
Ugh, just awful. I could not get past Chapter 3. Apparently the heroine, having a very domineering, controlling father, never found her backbone. She is sent to Jackson Hole to run a hotel owned by her father, where she meets the hero. **SPOILER** She assumes that he is the doctor that she goes to see for a stress rash, and evidently doesn't see any problem with a supposed medical professional hitting on her within 5 minutes of walking into the doctor's office. This is where she verged on TSTL for me. Indignent for having been fooled, she does no more than stomp her little foot and leave. Even the real doctor was completely unprofessional- just unreal. The hero was the worst. What an arrogant, good ole country boy chauvanist he was. Since when do residents of Wyoming talk like they're from the deep south? "Weeell, sugar, why don't you bring your little ole self over here and give me a little kiss? I'll make everythin' alright." Yes, all of her problems can and should be solved with a good roll in the hay with him. How anyone could be attracted to someone with that attitude is way beyond me. Put this one in the I Don't Get It category, and my DNF shelf. Yecch.

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