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Reviews for Kaleidoscope: Seeing God's Wit and Wisdom in a Whole New Light

 Kaleidoscope magazine reviews

The average rating for Kaleidoscope: Seeing God's Wit and Wisdom in a Whole New Light based on 2 reviews is 5 stars.has a rating of 5 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2011-09-14 00:00:00
2010was given a rating of 5 stars John Olsen
Kaleidoscope by Patsy Clairmont is a witty and insightful journey through the book of Proverbs. Chapter by chapter, Clairmont presents a unique look at 32 of some of the lesser-known verses in the book of Proverbs. Her style is direct yet lighthearted, giving a balanced feel to the book and the lessons contained within. The thing that I liked best about Kaleidoscope is that the author chose to deal with verses outside of the "norm." There are a handful of Proverbs that seem to get all the attention while others simply go unnoticed. Clairmont digs out some of the nuggets that tend to get overlooked by many other authors. Her sense of humor and unique perspective make the book a joy to read. The short chapters allow the reader the ability to pick up and put down the book when necessary due to time constraints, but the flow and enjoyment factor sucked me into reading for long periods of time. I didn't want to stop reading! For an unexampled look at the book of Proverbs, I highly recommend Kaleidoscope. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their [...] book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255 : "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Review # 2 was written on 2010-04-06 00:00:00
2010was given a rating of 5 stars Mark Norris
This book is my first introduction to Patsy Clairmont, but it won't be my last book! In Kaleidoscope, Patsy shares her humor, which makes you laugh so hard you get tears in your eyes, and witty insight into portions of Proverbs in a way that you go away with a whole new perspective. Patsy starts each chapter with a short Proverb, and draws you in by relating a story either about herself or others that intrigues you (usually hilariously). By this time, you are hooked to see how it turns out. She gently guides you into the truth of the Scripture she is expounding on; a fresh insight that you've probably never seen before. The chapters are short, but she holds you accountable through her 'Bits and Pieces,' and encourages you by "Held to the Light' additional Scriptures that fit the chapter theme. I know I was convicted in many of the areas she wrote about. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to read this book at this time in my life. Patsy's book is humorous, witty, convicting, and truthful all boiled into one. You can use it as a personal journey to enhance your walk with the Lord or in a Bible study group of your close Christian friends or new believers, in your home or church. This free book was provided by BookSneeze, of Thomas Nelson, for a review. These are my own personal views. This is my way of encouraging others to read and grow spiritually. My thanks to BookSneeze for the opportunity to read and blog this book.

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