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Reviews for A Bit O' Love

 A Bit O' Love magazine reviews

The average rating for A Bit O' Love based on 2 reviews is 4.5 stars.has a rating of 4.5 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2008-12-29 00:00:00
2010was given a rating of 4 stars George Spontak
Julius Caesar, abridged: BRUTUS: I love Caesar! CASSIUS: He's a power-hungry bastard. I think we should kill him. BRUTUS: Dude, we totally should. DECIUS: Happy Ides of March, Caesar. Ready to go to the Senate? CAESAR: I dunno. My wife just had a dream about you and the rest of the senators washing their hands in my blood, so I think I'm going to call in sick today. DECIUS: Okay, I'll just tell the guys that you're a pussy who lets his wife tell him what to do. They'll understand. CAESAR: I'll get my coat. *Caesar skips off to the Senate, confident in the knowledge that he's in a Shakespeare play, where dreams don't predict anything and main characters never get offed* CAESAR: Hey, why didn't anyone tell me it was Bring A Dagger To Work Day? THE ENTIRE FUCKING SENATE: WE KEEL YOU! CASSIUS: Good, he's dead. Now to hold a huge funeral and let his best friend deliver the eulogy to the large, violence-prone mob. BRUTUS: Cool. Take it away, Antony! ANTONY: So the guys who killed Caesar aren't bad guys, really... CROWD: WOOOO! WE LOVE BRUTUS! ANTONY: ...but Caesar was generous and humble and basically god on earth, and they totally killed him in cold blood. CROWD: RAAAAAAA! KILL THEM ALL!!! *grabs torches and pitchforks and kills fucking everyone, including a random poet who has the same name as one of the conspirators. I'm not even joking.* BRUTUS: Man, ruling Rome was a lot more fun when we weren't being invaded by Octavius. CAESAR'S GHOST: BOOGEDY BOOGEDY BOOGEDY! AVENGE...oh, wrong play. Uh...BOOGEDY! BRUTUS: Oh, hey Caesar. CAESAR'S GHOST: Uh...that's it? Not even an "eek?" Fine, whatever. I'm going to see you a second time, by the way. BOOGEDY! BRUTUS: Huh. That was weird. CASSIUS: GOD DAMMIT WE'RE LOSING THE WAR! I AM OVER THIS SHIT. Hey you, hold my sword while I impale myself. SERVANT: Sure thing. CASSIUS: *dies* BRUTUS: Let's see: Rome is being destroyed, all my friends have either been killed or comitted suicide, my wife just poisoned herself, and I'm about to be captured by enemy soldiers. *turns to audience* HEY, DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? AUDIENCE: SUICIDE TIME! BRUTUS: THAT'S RIGHT! *dies* THE END.
Review # 2 was written on 2007-05-12 00:00:00
2010was given a rating of 5 stars Justin Henderson
In the course of teaching high school sophomores for thirty years, I have read Julius Caesar more than thirty times, and I never grow tired of its richness of detail or the complexity of its characters. Almost every year, I end up asking myself the same simple question--"Whom do I like better? Cassius or Brutus?"--and almost every year my answer is different from what it was the year before. On one hand, we have Cassius, the selfish, manipulative conspirator who, after the assassination, shows himself to be an impulsive, loyal friend and an able politician, and, on the other hand, Brutus, the conscientious intellectual and lover of the republic who becomes, under the weight of his guilt, an irritatingly scrupulous moralist and an inept general more concerned with reputation than success. And then of course there is Antony: brilliant, vicious, unscrupulous, and ultimately as unknowable as a tornado. This is a great play about politics and human character.

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