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Reviews for A Philological Grammar, Grounded Upon English, and Formed From a Comparison of More Than Six...

 A Philological Grammar magazine reviews

The average rating for A Philological Grammar, Grounded Upon English, and Formed From a Comparison of More Than Six... based on 2 reviews is 3 stars.has a rating of 3 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2018-02-06 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 3 stars Ford Ruggieri
Insuficient de coerentă încât să lămurească hăţişul instituţional al poliţiei politice şi serviciilor de spionaj germane. E, mai mult, o prezentare comprimată a represiunii naţional-socialiste şi a tentativelor de asasinare a lui Adolf Hitler. Dacă n-ai auzit de Kaltenbrunner, Muller sau alţi oameni importanţi din RSHA, merge. O carte de popularizare, fără subtilităţi de interpretare.
Review # 2 was written on 2018-07-12 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 3 stars Monty Timmins
Highlights-- the book enlightens us to where the underground resistance was strong, such as Poland , France and Russia and where it failed, Norway. Tells how arrogant Gestapo leader Hedrich thought no one would dare attack him, till the resistance did. A lot of rounding up, torturing, harassing and killing enemies of the state and particularlyJews. While full of revealing, interesting and unique situations, I'm more fixated on the warring parts of world war two than the policing and keeping order albeit in murderously disgusting ways. Some of what the Gestapo did is just hard to read. Tells how the Nazi party was an avenue to success for Germans at the time of unemployment, runaway inflation and political turmoil. The Nazis perfected the art of fake news, called propaganda, turning their citizens against others. Talks about Night of the Long Knives, which was akin to the Republican leaders one night deciding to kill all the Democratic leaders. Touches on the Night of th Broken Glass--an attack on Jews and their businesses. also the Anschluss---Austria forced reunification with Germany. A good historical account of the Nazi police bullies and their evil ways including Himmlers obsession and culpability to the Jewish "final solution".

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