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Reviews for Great Dreams A Quest for Truth

 Great Dreams A Quest for Truth magazine reviews

The average rating for Great Dreams A Quest for Truth based on 2 reviews is 3 stars.has a rating of 3 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2014-05-15 00:00:00
2001was given a rating of 3 stars Rikke Larsen
Beyond awful!It makes me sad to say this, because the same author wrote one of my favorite books, "The Third Heiress" "House of Dreams" is poorly written, a 5th rate remake of "The Turn of the Screw" in a modern setting, with the most unappealing sex scenes I've ever read thrown in to make it even worse . Implausible plot twists, subplots left hanging, characters behaving as stupidly as actors in a low-budget splatter film. Cliche after cliche repeated endlessly. Just leaf through this bore-fest and see how many times "Cass's heart stopped." (portable defibrillator, anyone?) I think I stopped counting after ten. Same thing with: "Cass's heart turned over, hard." Please. How many times can a writer, in good conscience, say that the lights inexplicably went off, or beat the reader senseless with repetitive occurrences in which the presence of a ghost is heralded by the scent of VIOLETS?! Characters realize that a person is possessed, then, incredibly, forget about it moments later! It's as if the Keystone Cops wandered into a Gothic novel, only it's not funny. How did this plodding, amateurish book ever find its way into print?
Review # 2 was written on 2013-02-25 00:00:00
2001was given a rating of 3 stars John Ezra Schulman
If you dislike long reviews, I suggest that you read no further. Because this rant is going to be an essay. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS To say that this book is god-awful is a vast, VAST understatement. Let me list everything that was wrong with this book. PRESENT PEOPLE: 1. If the house was without power, why didn't they leave to go and stay in the village until it was rectified? 2. When that ghost stuff started happening, why did they stay? 3. Wouldn't it have made sense for them to call in proper authorities to look for Tracy when she disappeared instead if trampling all over all of the possible evidence that the police could have used to find her? 4. Again; when it was blatantly, obviously, and outright glaringly dangerous for them, why would they stay simply because they want to research Isabel? (aka, stupid bish). The only people who weren't dumb as dirt were the kids and poor aunt Catherine. PAST PEOPLE: Isabel's full name should be 'Isabel de Moron de la Baka'. Because she is easily one of the stupidest female characters I've ever read in a book. And seeing as how I've read over 700 books, that's saying something. Everything that happened to her is completely her fault. 1. If you didn't hear from your 'love' for over a year, why didn't you send word to see what happened to him? 2. So, brainless peon, you realized at your FRIGGIN WEDDING RECEPTION that you shouldn't have married another guy out of spite when you found out your spineless prick of a 'fiance' (and I use that term as loosely as a pair of granny panties) married someone else while he was away from you as a soldier? How bloody hard was it to send a letter in secret to find out if he was alive or something? 3. Why. Why. OH WHY. Would you have an affair with above mentioned spineless prick after you were married to man who treated you with nothing but kindness and respect? And why would you embarrass him in the front of everyone by being so indiscreet with your affair? 4. BAM. Pregnant. Went away to have baby and baby has blue eyes and blonde hair. Spineless prick has blue eyes and blonde hair. Kind husband has dark hair and dark eyes. Dumb-bel has strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. The maid said, "Pass the baby off as your husband's. You can say the blonde hair takes after your mother and he got your blue eyes." But what did she do? SHE RAN AWAY AND LEFT HER HUSBAND (WHICH WAS A NO-NO BACK THEN) because she was afraid of what he would do when he saw the baby. 4.5. Dumb-bel falls into a depression after she finds out that spineless prick was having an affair on THEIR affair with another woman. 5. Now, husband is salty as frig after he finds out about her affair, so he has her locked up on charges of heresy. As she stands in front of the court, she admits to having an affair and she's supposed to convert. She stands up in the front of everyone and does not convert because she wants to worship God as she has been doing. Like... what the actual hell is this shyte I'm reading? You mean worship him as the slack, unfaithful, lying whore you've been? Just convert openly, and when you get in your secret corner, whisper your prayers to god. He sees what comes from your heart, not your lips. 6. Only when she's being tied to a stake does it occur to her that her bravado wasn't the smartest thing. Then she curses her husband and her uncle (He told her to marry her husband and spy for him. But after she was married she could have done whatever she wanted because her husband is a powerful man) right before she got burned at the stake. Ladies and fricken gentlemen, I am still waiting for this "grave injustice" that was supposed to have been done to Isabel. Literally EVERYTHING that happened to Isabel was her fault and could have been avoided had she just used her bloody friggin pea-sized brain before jumping head first into stupidness. OVERALL STUPID: Why did Isabel just... leave???? Why did her ghost just all of a sudden run out of steam and left everyone alone? It was so abrupt I got whiplash. I'm going to donate this book to my local library with a complimentary letter of warning in the flap: 'CAUTION, I SAY! Extremely stupid characters ahead. Read at your own risk, bruh.'

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