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Reviews for The elephants of reckoning

 The elephants of reckoning magazine reviews

The average rating for The elephants of reckoning based on 2 reviews is 4 stars.has a rating of 4 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2010-02-25 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 5 stars David Ricciuti
I've shared my admiration of this man before, but that won't stop me from saying again and again how absolutely exquisite I think he is. What strikes me about Handwriting is that it is so very personal and what impresses me is that it is even vulnerably so. It's as if he bled on the page for a while. For me, a great deal of bad contemporary poetry lacks that quality. Instead, I find most contemporary poetry is cowardly, the poet or narrator looks out rather than within, and if he or she does attempt to look within, then the language is either empty of soul, bloodless and impersonal, or it's overflowing drivel frothing with obtuse emotion and trite description. So it has been so refreshing for me to read Ondaatje's poems at a time when I was becoming kinda just a tad disillusioned with poetry. Handwriting is Ondaatje's revisiting of his homeland, Sri Lanka. In these poems he mixes the everyday with myth, the present with past, the real with art, he juxtaposes his childhood memories against his more discerning, more present or perhaps more distant adult eye. I think this is something that he himself is unsure of and testing--what is more true? what he believes today that he saw or experienced then, or what others' tales have told, or what he sees with his own eyes now? And I'm not sure but maybe there is no definitive answer, only that there is truth in all of it. And it is the impressions, the language, the effect not the fact that matters most in the end: "Handwriting occured on waves,/ on leaves, the scripts of smoke"("The Distance of a Shout"). Needless to say, this little volume is a treasure that I will keep and revisit many times.
Review # 2 was written on 2011-10-25 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 3 stars Ian Pike
The Distance of a Shout "(...) There was no book of the forest, no book of the sea, but these are the places people died. Handwriting occurred on waves, on leaves, the scripts of smoke, a sign on a bridge along the Mahaweli River. A gradual acceptance of this new language." Nine sentiments " (...) I hold you the way astronomers draw constellations for each other in the markets of wisdom placing shells on a dark blanket saying "these are the heavens" calculating the movement of the great stars"

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