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Reviews for Twenty years of high school poetry from Hanging loose magazine

 Twenty years of high school poetry from Hanging loose magazine magazine reviews

The average rating for Twenty years of high school poetry from Hanging loose magazine based on 2 reviews is 5 stars.has a rating of 5 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2017-07-15 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 5 stars Allen Braswell
American Poets began to experiment with free verse and prosody during the Twentieth Century. An editorial team of scholar poets was brought together to explore this time of both creativity and transition. The book is named Twentieth-Century American Poetry and it has over 180 poets collected together between its pages. Each poet is organized by genre. The book starts out with a Historical and Critical Overview of each genre or time period. So for example, we have Realism and Naturalism to start out. The book discusses the Gilded Age, Manifest Destiny, the Reconstruction after the Civil War, and the technological advances that marched forth from the labs and factories of our fledgling nation. Meanwhile, Socialism took root in the hearts of people like Jack London, the Gold Scare of 1893 came around the same year as the Chicago World's Fair. The American Population ballooned to 92 Million people, and a larger portion of the population began living in cities. It is to such a world that writers such as Stephen Crane released their poetry. The book is chock full of information. Alongside all of the historical context and critical reception, the book contains biographical data on each poet, and then finally shows you their poems. The only thing it is missing to make it a textbook is a series of questions on the poems of the poet themselves. Some poets are represented extremely well and I can understand why. Take Robert Frost for instance. He was the Poet Laureate of the United States back in the early 1960s. This alone makes him worthy of being studied, but his style is so smooth and evocative. There are probably literary terms for such things, but I don't want to sound like I actually know what I am talking about. This book is really informative and enjoyable. It extends over the whole of the Twentieth-Century and goes over everything. I still prefer my poems to rhyme. Free verse and other things never really grasped my attention very well. On the other hand, it could be that I equate poetry with something that has to be understood and dissected in order for it to be enjoyed, and that takes away from it for me. It has been a long time since I had to actually analyze a text or literary work. Now I can read things for fun. And I can peruse through the biographies of Robert Frost or William Carlos Williams and find it interesting for its own sake, for the sake of learning itself. So listed in this book are the following poets taken from the Table of Contents; Stephen Crane, Edwin Markham, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Edgar Lee Masters, Edward Arlington Robinson, James Weldon Johnson, Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Trumbull Stickney, Robert Frost, Sarah N Cleghorn, Alan Seeger, John Allan Wyeth Jr., Amy Lowell, Gertrude Stein, Yone Noguchi, Adelaide Crapsey, Carl Sandburg, Vachel Lindsay, Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, Ezra Pound, H. D. [Hilda Doolittle], Robinson Jeffers, Marianne Moore, T S Eliot, E E Cummings, Witter Bynner and Arthur Davison Ficke, Angelina Weld Grimke, Claude McKay, Jean Toomer, Sterling A Brown, Gwendolyn Bennett, Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, Sara Teasdale, Elinor Wylie, John Crowe Ransom, Conrad Aiken, John Peale Bishop, Archibald MacLeish, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Dorothy Parker, Louise Bogan, Stephen Vincent Benet, Melvin B Tolson, Hart Crane, Allen Tate, Robert Francis, Richard Eberhart, Robert Penn Warren, Theodore Roethke, Elizabeth Bishop, J V Cunningham, Josephine Miles, Robert Hayden, John Frederick Nims, Muriel Rukeyser, John Berryman, Randall Jarrell, Weldon Kees, Dudley Randall, William Stafford, Thomas Merton, Margaret Walker, John Ciardi, Thomas McGrath, Gwendolyn Brooks, Robert Lowell, William Jay Smith, May Swenson, Laura Riding, Kenneth Fearing, Lorine Niedecker, Louis Zukofsky, Kenneth Rexroth, George Oppen, Charles Olson, William Everson [Brother Antoninus], Robert Duncan, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Denise Levertov, Samuel Menashe, Jack Spicer, A R Ammons, Robert Creeley, Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Howard Nemerov, Mona Van Duyn, Richard Wilbur, Howard Moss, James Dickey, Anthony Hecht, Richard Hugo, Louis Simpson, Donald Justice, Carolyn Kizer, Maxine Kumin, W D Snodgrass, James Merrill, Donald Hall, Anne Sexton, X J Kennedy, Adrienne Rich, Sylvia Plath, Anne Stevenson, Barbara Guest, Edward Field, John Haines, Robert Bly, Frank O'Hara, John Ashbery, W S Merwin, James Wright, Philip Levine, Mark Strand, Charles Wright, Charles Simic, James Tate, Miller Williams, Etheridge Knight, Rhina Espaillat, Linda Pastan, Amiri Baraka/ LeRoi Jones, Audre Lorde, N Scott Momaday, Fred Chappell, Lucille Clifton, C K Williams, Bernice Zamora, Ishmael Reed, Jared Carter, Stephen Dunn, Ted Kooser, Robert Pinsky, Billy Collins, Robert Hass, Lyn Hejinian, Charles Martin, Sharon Olds, Louise Gluck, Michael Palmer, Mary Kinzie, Shirley Geok-Lin Lim, B H Fairchild, Kay Ryan, Adrian C Louis, Marilyn Nelson, Ron Silliman, Ai, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Amy Uyematsu, David Lehman, R S Gwynn, Heather McHugh, Timothy Steele, Wendy Rose, Carolyn Forche, Dana Gioia, William Logan, Jorie Graham, Joy Harjo, Andrew Hudgins, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Rita Dove, Alice Fulton, Mark Jarman, Naomi Shihab Nye, Mark Doty, Gjertrud Schnackenberg, Kim Addonizio, Francisco X Alarcon, David Mason, and several others. There isn't anything else to say about this book.
Review # 2 was written on 2015-08-17 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 5 stars Anthony Edwards
A wealth of poetry is included in this massive anthology. The addition of historical and cultural commentary is helpful for understanding the context of the poets and their poems.

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