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Reviews for Perspectives on human sexuality

 Perspectives on human sexuality magazine reviews

The average rating for Perspectives on human sexuality based on 2 reviews is 4 stars.has a rating of 4 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2008-11-22 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 3 stars Lucas Dawson
"...the story of the relief from doubleness is a critical step in the origin of meiotic sex" ' Lyn Margulis & Dorian Sagan, 'Origins of Sex: Three Billion Years of Genetic Recombination', 1986, Yale University Press Lyn Margulis is the biologist credited with the theory called Symbiogenesis, which is simply, that Life evolved new species and classes of creatures when formerly independently living organisms merged, recombining their respective DNA. the processes of reproduction are examined in the light of this theory and it is amazing... one thing i learned is that simple one or two celled creatures which existed on Earth before there was oxygen in the atmosphere were exposed to harsh ultraviolet rays which was fatal to exposed DNA... so, one thing led to another giving rise to membranes which became nuclei containing and protecting DNA... but there was another amazing development: repair processes which ingeniously adapted existing capabilities (based on chemical properties of the elements already present in living organisms basically) into the ability to "cut and paste" DNA first from cells in the same organism and then later, from similar but distinctly different organisms... two parent sourcing for the new individual that resulted from this form of reproduction... there was much that i didn't understand, or at least couldn't recite. but that's not this book's fault. if all academic subjects were written as clearly as this one i'd have three PhD's. i went looking for scientific information that would inform me about my being Transgender. my intuition (and some scientific information too) says that what's strange isn't that a "Man" should "feel like a Woman" but that so many of us are so completely locked into a binary view of ourselves and all of reality. i believe this book supports my idea that Life is an enormous entity that spans time and space and exists as a Whole. the processes that constitute the structure of Life seem to us as individuals to result in... us as individuals, distinct from some amorphous "Whole". but in fact, our individuality is a trick... yes we are, but our individuality means nothing if separated from the Whole... we cannot be divided. but of course, our culture depends on "things" being separate and distinct... and so Men and Women, males and females... these concepts dominate and prevent us from accessing a consciousness of self which is integrated and feels less like either and more like... all.
Review # 2 was written on 2010-03-23 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 5 stars Ronald Dodson
Having just read The Tangled Tree by David Quammen I was happy to see Lynn Margulis was given her proper due in the telling of the discoveries leading to our current understanding of evolution. Where she got it right, Lynn was creative and fearless in her uncovering the truths of the science. Where she was wrong, was only for her lack of knowledge of the discoveries that were yet to come.

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