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Reviews for Knights

 Knights magazine reviews

The average rating for Knights based on 2 reviews is 4 stars.has a rating of 4 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2017-05-08 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 4 stars John Bradshaw
I really, really liked this book!!! I love everything about the Middle Ages History and this one covered it all. Andrea Hopkins went through and told the history of knights from the romances and poems in literature that was written about them to every aspect of a knight's life. Not only knights, but she also brought out a lot of the historical things that were happening around each century, what wars, what heroes, etc. What most history books can't even cover in a five book series, Andrea Hopkins covered in less than two hundred pages. She talked about the different parts of the armor, the knight's role in society, military and personal status. Her maps are also very informative and amazing. Page after page of art and pictures from scenes that pertain to what she's talking about are on every page. A few of the pictures may be inappropriate for children as they were clips from the artists of way back then. This is a book that I will go back and read again in case I've missed anything. It was well worth the time devoted to reading it.
Review # 2 was written on 2018-04-21 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 4 stars David Sorrells
A Chronicle History of Knights was written by Andrea Hopkins. This is a scholarly overview of all aspects of the phenomenon of knights (duh!) from their social and cultural origins to their zenith ("when chivalry was in flower") and twilight. I will readily admit that I did not care for this book much when I started it, but on page sixty six of my edition I was treated to this: "It would certainly be a mistake, however, to give the impression that all medieval romances were literary masterpieces. For every Chretien de Troyes or Wolfram von Eschenbach there were a dozen less gifted writers producing much less demanding, more "popular" products: the Jeffrey Archers and Robert Ludlums of medieval literature." Andrea Hopkins, you saucy minx. That tiny bit of literary snobbery helped me see the person behind the words. After that point this book was so much more fum to read.

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