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Reviews for Uk Arms Export Policy And Control Procedures Handbook

 Uk Arms Export Policy And Control Procedures Handbook magazine reviews

The average rating for Uk Arms Export Policy And Control Procedures Handbook based on 2 reviews is 4.5 stars.has a rating of 4.5 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2007-05-22 00:00:00
2005was given a rating of 5 stars Cameron Roets
The history of Dr. Faustus, its composition and its performances, is obscured by legend and shrouded in surmise. We know the play was wildly popular, but not when it was written or first performed: perhaps as early as 1588, when Marlowe was twenty-four, or perhaps as late in 1593, the year Marlowe died. At any rate, it so captured the public imagination that people told stories about it. The most vivid of the legends tells us that real devils were once conjured during a performance, that actors were confounded, spectators driven mad, and that the Faustus who spoke the summoning words, Edward Alleyn, renounced his profession from that day forward and spent his remaining days performing works of charity. Even the play itself is a bit of a puzzle, for it has come down to us in two different texts; the brief quarto of 1604 and the longer quarto of 1616. Early critics tended to prefer the earlier quarto, seeing it as a “purer” version, purged of “low” comic scenes, but later critics like the 1616 Faustus better. Its “low” scenes—although probably not written by Marlowe—serve an artistic purpose: they show us how Faustus, a self-immolating hero who once desired to plumb the depths of knowledge, soon degenerates into a shabby conjurer, a practical joker who amuses himself by cheating a peasant out of a horse. Was his immortal soul bartered away for this? (Personally—being something of a “low” type myself—I enjoy a lot of this buffonery, particularly the scene in which an invisible Faust and Mephistophilis steal all the fine dishes from the pope’s banquet and drive him and his cardinals from the hall.) For my taste, Marlowe’s play is the best version of the legend—better than Goethe, better than Thomas Mann. He wrote it at the very moment when the adjective before “humanist” was changing from “Christian” to “secular,” when his hero--at one and the same time—could be both admired as an icon of human daring and also pitied as a sinner irrevocably damned. His Faust is not so much self-contradiction as paradox, as gestalt: faces-and-cup--filling the foreground, fading out--forever. There are many memorable passages in this play, including Faustus' opening and closing soliloquys, Mephistophilis on Hell, Faustus on Helen of Troy, and the parade of the Seven Deadly Sins. But I prefer to quote Faustus describing with delight a journey he took through the air: Sweet Mephistophilis, thou pleasest me. Whilst I am here on earth, let me be cloy'd With all things that delight the heart of man: My four-and-twenty years of liberty I'll spend in pleasure and in dalliance, That Faustus' name, whilst this bright frame doth stand, May be admir'd thorough the furthest land.... Thou know'st, within the compass of eight days We view'd the face of heaven, of earth, and hell; So high our dragons soar'd into the air, That, looking down, the earth appear'd to me No bigger than my hand in quantity; There did we view the kingdoms of the world, And what might please mine eye I there beheld.
Review # 2 was written on 2013-03-27 00:00:00
2005was given a rating of 4 stars Todd Thompson
Doctor Faustus = The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, Christopher Marlowe The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus, commonly referred to simply as Doctor Faustus, is an Elizabethan tragedy by Christopher Marlowe, based on German stories about the title character Faust, that was first performed sometime between 1588 and Marlowe's death in 1593. Two different versions of the play were published in the Jacobean era, several years later. تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز هفدهم ماه ژانویه سال 1980میلادی عنوان: دکتر فاستوس؛ اثر: کریستوفر مارلو؛ مترجم: لطفعلی صورتگر؛ مشخصات نشر تهران، بنگاه ترجمه و نشر کتاب، 1340، در 88ص، چاپ دوم 1359هجری خورشیدی موضوع داستانهای نویسندگان بریتانیایی - سده 16م تاریخچه تراژدی گونه زندگی و مرگ دکتر «فاستوس»، نوشته ی: «کریستوفر مارلو»، نمایشنامه نویس سده ی شانزدهم میلادی انگلستان است؛ نمایشنامه «دکتر فاستوس»، از برجسته ترین نمایشنامه های عصر «الیزابت» است، درونمایه ی آثار «کریستوفر مارلو» اغلب به سرانجام شومی میانجامد، که گریبانگیر قهرمانان داستان است، در حالیکه ممکن است به قیمت زیر پا گذاشتن انسانیت و وجدان، همواره در حد کمال، از خواسته ها و لذایذ مادی زندگی، سرشار شوند جاه طلبی، حرص، آز، و قدرت طلبی، از تم های دیگر آثار ایشان، به شمار میروند؛ «فاستوس» که دانشمندی بزرگ، از اهالی «ورتمبرگ آلمان»، و سرآمد همه ی پارسایان، و دانایان زمان خود است؛ وقتی در دانش به کمال میرسد، انقلابی در او پدید میآید، که همه ی دانشها را بیهوده مییابد؛ او که دیگر از علم و فلسفه بیزار شده، و اراده اش میل به قدرت دارد؛ درصدد برمیآید، که به جادوگری رو کند، تا با آن بتواند جهان را تحت سلطه ی خود، درآورد؛ پس «فاستوس» به دنبال دو ساحر، و استاد جادوگری، میفرستد، تا علم جادو را، به او بیاموزند؛ ساحرها میآیند و او را از قدرتها، و مزایایی که اینکار دارد، آگاه میکنند.؛ «فاستوس» در ادامه، با اوراد و اذکاری که میخواند، نائب رئیس شیطان، «مفیستوفلیس» را ظاهر میکند، و از او میخواهد، که پیوسته ملازمش باشد، و هرچه میخواهد، حتی خارج کردن ماه از مدار خود، و فرو بردن کل زمین در غرقاب را، برایش ممکن کند.؛ اما «مفیس» میگوید، که بنده ی «ابلیس» است، و اگر «ابلیس» چنین فرمانی بدهد، او میتواند تا پایان عمر ملازمش باشد، و قرار میشود، «مفیس» نزد «ابلیس» برود، و کسب اجازه کند.؛ و ...؛ تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 14/09/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی

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