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Reviews for The Star Princess

 The Star Princess magazine reviews

The average rating for The Star Princess based on 2 reviews is 3.5 stars.has a rating of 3.5 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2010-05-03 00:00:00
2010was given a rating of 4 stars Henry Hernandez
This was, for intents and purposes, a contemporary romance involving a hero from another galaxy. Instead of sci-fi romance, this would more accurately be called romantic with science fiction elements, the romance being the main story and the sci-fi incidental to the that. However, that doesn't mean this isn't a very good book. I thoroughly enjoyed the hero and heroine, and felt the relationship, while containing the requisite passion to make it a hot romance, was believable and well-developed. The motivations of both primary characters were clear and both were honest, honorable people. No big misunderstandings, and the tension is provided by the natural situation in which the characters find themselves. There was very little real action in this book, and the "villain" was weak, as was the secondary romance. But the developing relationship between Illana and Che was sweet and compelling, and well worth the time.
Review # 2 was written on 2016-11-25 00:00:00
2010was given a rating of 3 stars Gggfg Ffgfdffdctgc
The third book in Susan Grant's Star series. Prince Ché Vedla is advised to marry before the big royal wedding of the crown prince. While his advisor is looking for an appropriate bride, Ché decides to vacation on Earth for a bit. There he contacts, Ilana Hamilton, the sister of the crown prince. I'm sorry but I was really expecting more from the book. It was really slow for me but somewhere after the halfway mark it picked up and started getting good. Most of the story takes place on Earth in California. The pace was a little slow for me but the style of writing was nice. The characters were also likable and there is a little secondary romance included. Overall, I liked it but I didn't love it.

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