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Reviews for Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1

 Conversations with God magazine reviews

The average rating for Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue, Book 1 based on 2 reviews is 3 stars.has a rating of 3 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2008-01-27 00:00:00
1996was given a rating of 5 stars Alex Keller
When I was going through the roughest spiritual time in my life, this book not only restored my faith in myself as a minister and my ministry in general, but restored my faith in God. It also showed me the God I always wanted to believe in, but was afraid to. I will forever be grateful for this book.
Review # 2 was written on 2009-10-04 00:00:00
1996was given a rating of 1 stars Paul Justice
This book really makes me sad. There are a lot of false things written in it. For example : this book tries to make us think that we're god ourselves. At this point, I was assured that it wasn't GOD who spoke with Neale, the writer. The key to life and understanding : we have to believe first, then comes the understanding. But if we think that faith to God is stale...we'll never get the true understanding. Just like relationships won't work when we have no trust. This book uses many terms and references from the Holy Bible. But it's actually against it in a very soft way, presenting a more open option of faith. Alas, it's a false faith. How can we say it's true when it keeps saying wrong things?? For example: this "god" said that, most of the writers of the New Testament didn't live in Jesus Christ's era, they lived after that. So they won't recognize God if they pass Him on the way. The FACT is: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, James, Peter, Jude (it's another Jude, not the one who sold Jesus to the romans), they wrote in the New Testament, they were some of the first disciples of Jesus Christ, of course they lived in the era of Jesus Christ! It's Paul who wasn't one of the disciples of Jesus Christ. He was actually against Christianity and he captured the first believers to arrest or to torture them. He was Jewish but a roman citizen. He never met Jesus before, because at that time Jesus had already been crucified and raised to the Heaven. But Jesus came to him on his way to Damascus and Paul got blinded by Him for three days. After this personal encounter, he repented and accepted Jesus Christ as God. Then He chose Paul as the first apostle to preach to other nations outside Israel, especially within the roman empire at that time. He wrote many books of the New Testament. This "god" said that just to mock Paul, maybe. And he got problem with words...he said "most of the writers lived after Jesus". So this is surely a lie. God won't lie. Could you really trust a god that lies?? And God won't be careless with words. Or would you believe in a sloppy god?? Oh...there are so many wrong things in this book. Christianity isn't about religion! It's a personal relationship with God. It grows, it's like a journey, it's not stale...it's dynamic! And it fruits eternal life. I really hope that people won't get deceived by this "god". This "god" lies a lot!! We know who is the father of all liars. I feel sorry for Neale too. I hope he will ever get to the true understanding. Some people just believe that life ends as the breaths gone. Full stop. But everyone's going to die anyway. I haven't been to either heaven or hell. But I surely wanna go to God's place. It's not about being conservative. It's about taking the biggest decision that would affect our lives, with eternal value! Why risking it? Please, please...open your heart. All we need is to come to Jesus and ask honestly, without being judgmental or cynical, to come to our heart, and said that we want to know Him better. No one has ever died for you and me like Him!! His blood had paid the price of all sins!! Neale's "god" said that GOD isn't a creator but just an observer. Come on!! On top of everything, there must be A CREATOR. Even the founder of Quantum Mechanical theory and all top notch scientists cannot explain where did the atoms that formed almost everything in this world come from, or why was this universe formed the way it is. The last time i watched BBC, even those physicians admitted that atoms seemed to come out of nothingness and that the universe, galaxies, and so human beings happen to be just a cosmic accident. Don't you think it's ironic and irrational?? God creates everything. And do you know that the universe is actually still expanding at an accelerating rate?? HE really meant it when He said "Let there be light!" I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe God has redeemed me. I believe God is the owner of everything and that He's NOT just an observer. He's a creator, a helper, He puts action! He came to this world and crucified!! If someone pays your debt, would you say "what debt?" and walk away? In fact, when we accept what He had done for us, when we decide to trust and follow in Him, we'll start to understand beautiful things, far beyond our imagination. For it is true, that the fear OF THE LORD is the beginning of knowledge. =) John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Life is offered for everyone now. And there's Someone Who dearly wants everyone to come and get all things He's so ready to give. He wants us to live and live abundantly!! Don't waste the chance we have!! Walk by faith!! Added Dec 9, 2010: Ps: If you really want to read real life-with-God experience, I suggest "The God Who Changes Lives", edited by Mark Elsdon-Dew. God bless!

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