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Reviews for Did Lincoln own slaves?

 Did Lincoln own slaves? magazine reviews

The average rating for Did Lincoln own slaves? based on 2 reviews is 4 stars.has a rating of 4 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2020-02-18 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 5 stars Terry Clifton
In the foreword to this book, the author downplays its usefulness, especially to interested students of history. As an interested student of history, while I understand that this book doesn't go into the detail that a long biography of Lincoln would, I defend this book as an incredibly readable and interesting book about the 16th president. Well organized, the book deals with much of Lincoln's life, with well-researched details about specific incidents or periods. Moreover, the author's voice is great...he keeps the book moving quickly without letting it become too serious, and he covers some very difficult concepts in a very even handed and unflinching manner. Definitely worth the time to read.
Review # 2 was written on 2010-02-21 00:00:00
0was given a rating of 3 stars Stephen Kinney
*John Bradford lent a female slave named Ruth Burns (indentured) to the lincolns, but he never owned any slaves. They did hire servants for low wages. "The Illinois Supreme Court had ruled that indentured servants could be bought, sold, inherited, or otherwise alienated like other forms of property." "The Lincolns paid so little to their servant that she might as well have been a slave." *Thomas Jefferson was a slaveholder who fathered children by one of his slaves *George Washington owned slaves. "In his (Lincoln) speech at Peoria, he condemned the expansion of slavery, but he denied the possibility of political and social equality." *author says before the war Lincoln favored the idea of colonizing freed slaves to Africa, then says over time during his presidency he changes his view after the large-scale enlistment of black soldiers in 1863 "Stephen Douglas, who believed that "all men are created equal" applied only to englishmen and their descendants, Lincoln believed that freedom should be extended to all people, and that political rights should be extended to all white people, or ad he put it, America should be "an outlet for free white people eveywhere, the world over." "Lincoln was not a rainbow warrior who secretly wished for a twenty-first-century multicultural society." "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that." - Abraham Lincoln (open letter to Horace Greeley, in August 1862) "He (John Wilkes Booth) quietly slipped in, walked up behind Lincoln, and fired his derringer into the presidents head." *Booth shouted "sic semper tyrannis" after he shot the president in the back of the head and jumped down. Meaning (thus always to tyrants) *several people were also certain that he also yelled "the south is avenged" *the bullet hole was dug out behind the right eye of lincolns head while still alive. He died at 7:22 the next morning. "Herold gave himself up, but Booth refused to surrender without a fight. The soldiers set the barn on fire to smoke him out. As Booth moved toward the door, either to surrender or to fight, Sergeant Corbett shot him in the neck. He was pulled out of the building, partially paralyzed and died a few hours later, in the morning of April 26 "I am not now, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social or political equality of the white and black races. I am not now nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor of intermarriages with white people. There is a physical difference between the white and the black races which will forever forbid the two races living together on social or political equality. There must be a position of superior and inferior, and I am in favor of assigning the superior position to the white man." ----- Source: Abraham Lincoln said this in a speech he delivered to the people of Charleston, Illinois in 1858.

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