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Reviews for MAX (Maximum Ride Series #5)

 MAX magazine reviews

The average rating for MAX (Maximum Ride Series #5) based on 2 reviews is 2 stars.has a rating of 2 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2008-12-30 00:00:00
2009was given a rating of 3 stars Tiffaney Jones
Oh no…the Maximum Ride books have officially turned "eco-friendly". What happened to all the crazy mad scientist stuff? "Millions of fish are dying off the coast of Hawaii and someone--or something--is destroying hundreds of ships. Unable to discover the cause, the government..." I read that in the description of this book on some website…Hmm, first it goes global warming--save the polar bears! Now…its saving fish……Anyone else miss the Erasers? I want the whole flock-running-for-their-lives-from crazy-people-involved-in-Itex stuff back… ohhhhh greaaaaatttt…I'd rather not have to get the urge of burning this book but from the looks of it…err, I think I'll stop there…okay one more thing…at least this one is a LITTTTLLLEEEEE bit longer than The Final Warning…320 something pages this time…but that's still kinda…oh I don't know…depressing compared to the first few MR books…right, now I shall shut up!
Review # 2 was written on 2009-09-01 00:00:00
2009was given a rating of 1 stars scott brodie
Ergh. This book SUCKS. It's not as bad as the fourth one, but it's still really crappy. There is no plot. There are just a bunch of random subplots that are stupid, full of holes, and that have nothing to do with each other. There's just all these action scenes that have absolutely no point whatsoever. They're not even done well. This book is basically a soap opera - a really badly done one with an attempt at action. Lol. The ending was really stupid. It was really abrupt and sudden. Max just rescues her mom and then skips off into the sunset with the flock, totally forgetting that some really lame villain is still alive and at work out there. And at the end, Patterson randomly throws at us a hint that Brigid is a traitor, but then he just ends the book like that. It's really stupid. Okay, let's talk about Mr. Chu. MOST PATHETIC AND LAME VILLAIN EVER. He's completely flat and boring, he literally has NO motive, plus he's really, REALLY stupid. I mean, who puts an illegal nuclear plant underwater and then LABELS IT WITH THEIR NAME????? That's like screaming, "HEY, LOOK! I'm producing illegal nuclear crap! Arrest me, please!" OMG. Sheesh. And I thought Patterson had done the worst when the villain had been a pile of brains in the 4th book ... at least the pile of brains wasn't a total idiot. Oh and what the heck was up with Devin? I don't even get whose side he was on, and who he was working for. Bleehh. I love -- excuse me, I mean hate -- how Patterson totally forgets to tell us who the voice is in this one. You know, by the time he finally decides to tell us who it is, I'm not even going to care anymore. I don't think I even care now, anymore. Lol. It also really annoys me that Patterson had Max and Fang make out in front of Brigid and the flock, and he doesn't show their reactions AT ALL. Especially Brigid's. UGH. Okay, what is up with the title of this book? Why the heck did Patterson name the fifth book in the Maximum Ride series "Max"? Couldn't he come up with a more original title? I mean, there are DEFINITELY better and more creative titles he could have chosen. Come on. Even calling the book "FISH" would have been better and more original and creative than "MAX." *shakes head with incredulity* OH. MY. GOD. I HATE ANGEL WITH A BURNING PASSION. She annoys the CRAP out of me. GAAAH I HATE THAT KID!!! She never listens to Max and thinks she can do whatever she wants and thinks she knows everything, and she's creepy and messed up, while everyone thinks she's such a sweet little angel!!! AAAH I HATE THAT STUPID LITTLE BRAT!!! Gaaah. Plus she's the biggest Mary-Sue in the history or Mary-Sues in the world. Eeeeewwwww. Screw Angel. lol Let's talk about the flock now. I used to love them, but now I'm pretty close to hating them. They've just gotten annoying, and turned from complex personalities to flat ones. Plus, I'm about ready to rip the book to pieces because of all the powers that they all KEEP FREAKING GETTING. Not only does Patterson totally forget and not use all the powers they randomly got before (like, where the hell did Max's super fast flying powers go???), but then he just throws a bunch of new, unrealistic, TOTALLY UN-SCIENTIFICALLY-POSSIBLE powers that just make me go, "Uhh, REALLY?!?!" Ugh. It's so stupid. I mean, not only does Angel have gills, now Fang and Max have them too! Oh. MY. Freaking. GOOODDDDDD. Idiots. Uh ... WOW. Why did I even bother to read this book? Oh right. Because I wanted to see Max and Fang make out. *rolls eyes at self* Even THAT wasn't good. It's overdone WAY too much. It was so Disney-esque and cheesy, it almost made me puke. Eeeegggh. They have serious makeout sessions, like, every other chapter, and they're always looking at each other googly-eyed and spouting lovesick lines at each other. It's almost as cheesy as Twilight (no offense, Meyer). lol. I mean, Fang and Max had great sexual tension in all the books before. But all of a sudden, in this book, POOF! It's totally gone. And that just makes it boring. Even when you become a couple, there's still tension and all that! It doesn't just go away. UGH. Well, I think that's all I got to say ... lol. Bleehhh. Stupid book. I was just waiting for it to end the whole time. I really don't want to read the sixth book when it comes out, but unfortunately, I know that I probably will. And then I'll give it one star and write a harsh, angry ranting review about it, just like this one. Well, at least it'll be worth it, for that. I love attacking books. Heehee. XD

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