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Reviews for Impact of contract bundling on small business concerns

 Impact of contract bundling on small business concerns magazine reviews

The average rating for Impact of contract bundling on small business concerns based on 2 reviews is 5 stars.has a rating of 5 stars

Review # 1 was written on 2008-03-08 00:00:00
1993was given a rating of 5 stars Miller Pinson
Note: Oct. 21, 2020: Just now, I edited this review to correct a couple of typos. It would be hard to improve on the above description. Salty octogenarian Texas journalist Quinn is one of the retailing Goliath's severest critics, and his newspaper background stands him in good stead in digging out the solid facts of his story and presenting them in a clear, cogent fashion. He stops short of calling for a complete boycott of Wal-mart, recognizing the difficulties that might pose for many readers (I personally boycott this scourge of our country and its economy, but the rest of my family doesn't); but he certainly exposes the insidious nature of its business practices, and suggests basic steps consumers can take to fight back against it. Neither genuine democracy, economic justice, or the opportunity for ordinary people to live a life of reasonable prosperity can survive in the kind of economy Wal-mart is well on its way to creating: one in which virtually the entire populace is forced into economic serfdom for the enrichment of one corporation, no small business can exist, and the terms of economic life for everybody are dictated at will by a handful of corporate executives. (And to glorify that state of affairs as "free enterprise" is an abuse of language of Orwellian proportions.) This is why monopoly practices were supposedly outlawed in the U.S. in 1890; and Wal-mart's ability to flout that law with impunity, with the economic and bipartisan political power it already has (Hilary Clinton, for instance, is a major stockholder), is just a foretaste of what it could do as its power grows along with its "market share." In my opinion, this book is a wakeup call for every person who cares about whether or not our kids will still be able to live in the kind of America for whose survival our parents' generation fought in WWII. It ought to be in every library in the U.S!
Review # 2 was written on 2007-08-19 00:00:00
1993was given a rating of 5 stars Victor Klujsza
It's a tad bit sensationalist, but very informative. Entertaining, yet scary. Don't try giving it to your Republican friends, though. Could spark some nasty arguments involving your allegiance to capitalism, and therefore America. Sigh.

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