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In Loving Memory of Teena Marie

Born March 5, 1956 - Passed Away December 26, 2010

Teena Marie

This memorial website was created in the memory of Teena Marie , born in Santa Monica, California on March 5, 1956 and passed away on December 26, 2010 at 54 years of age.

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Teena Marie (born Mary Christine Brockert on March 5, 1956-died December 26, 2010) was an American Grammy Award-nominated singer–songwriter–producer. Marie, nicknamed Lady T, was a protegée of late funk legend Rick James, and is notable as one of the few successful multi-ethnic performers of R&B. She sings R&B with big, robust vocals, and plays rhythm guitar, keyboards and congas. She also has written, produced, sung and arranged virtually all of her songs since her 1980 release Irons in the Fire. She has quoted this as being her favorite album. She has a daughter named Alia Rose. She is also known as Lady T.

In 2004, while Teena Marie was sleeping in a hotel room, a large picture frame fell and struck her on the head. The blow caused a serious concussion that caused momentary seizures for the rest of her life.

On the afternoon of December 26, 2010, Teena Marie was found dead by her daughter, Alia Rose, in her Pasadena home. On December 30, 2010, an autopsy was performed by the Los Angeles County coroner, who found no signs of apparent trauma or a discernible cause of death, and concluded she had died from natural causes. She had suffered a generalized tonic–clonic seizure a month before.

Full name: Teena Marie

Born: March 5, 1956

Passed away: December 26, 2010

Age: 54 years of age

Birthplace: Santa Monica, California, USA

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