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In Loving Memory of Sharon Tate

Born January 24, 1943 - Passed Away August 9, 1969

Sharon Tate

This memorial website was created in the memory of Sharon Tate , born in Dallas, TX on January 24, 1943 and passed away on August 9, 1969 at 26 years of age.

Sharon Tate Famous Celebrity
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Sharon Marie Tate Polanski (January 24, 1943 – August 9, 1969) was an American actress and model. During the 1960s, she played small television roles before appearing in films and was regularly featured in fashion magazines as a model and cover girl. After receiving positive reviews for her comedic and dramatic acting performances, Tate was hailed as one of Hollywood's most promising newcomers.

Tate made her film debut in 1961 as an extra in Barabbas with Anthony Quinn. She next appeared in the horror film Eye of the Devil (1966). Her most remembered performance was as Jennifer North in the 1967 cult classic film Valley of the Dolls, which earned her a Golden Globe Award nomination. That year, she also performed in the film The Fearless Vampire Killers, directed by her future husband Roman Polanski. Tate's last completed film, 12+1, was released posthumously in 1969.On August 9, 1969, Tate and four others were murdered by members of the Manson Family, a cult, in the home she shared with Polanski. She was eight and a half months pregnant.

Full name: Sharon Tate

Born: January 24, 1943

Passed away: August 9, 1969

Age: 26 years of age

Birthplace: Dallas, Texas, USA

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