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In Loving Memory of Larry King

Born November 19, 1933 - Passed Away January 23, 2021

Larry King

This memorial website was created in the memory of Larry King , born in New York City, NY on November 19, 1933 and passed away on January 23, 2021 at 88 years of age.

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Larry King (born Lawrence Harvey Zeiger; November 19, 1933 – January 23, 2021) was an American television and radio host, whose awards included 2 Peabodys, an Emmy and 10 Cable ACE Awards. Over his career, he hosted over 50,000 interviews.

Born and raised in New York City, his parents were Orthodox Jews who immigrated to the United States from Belarus in the 1930s. King studied at Lafayette High School, a public high school in Brooklyn. He was a WMBM radio interviewer in the Miami area in the 1950s and 1960s, and gained prominence in 1978 as host of The Larry King Show, an all-night nationwide call-in radio program heard on the Mutual Broadcasting System.From 1985 to 2010, he hosted the nightly interview television program Larry King Live on CNN. King hosted Larry King Now from 2012 to 2020, which aired on Hulu, Ora TV, and RT America.

He hosted Politicking with Larry King, a weekly political talk show, on the same three channels from 2013 to 2020. King also appeared in television series and films, usually playing himself. King died of sepsis as a complication at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on January 23, 2021 at age 87.

Full name: Larry King

Born: November 19, 1933

Passed away: January 23, 2021

Age: 88 years of age

Birthplace: New York City, New York, USA

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