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In Loving Memory of John Candy

Born October 31, 1950 - Passed Away March 4, 1994

John Candy

This memorial website was created in the memory of John Candy , born in Toronto, Ontario on October 31, 1950 and passed away on March 4, 1994 at 44 years of age.

John Candy Famous Celebrity
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John Franklin Candy (October 31, 1950 – March 4, 1994) was a Canadian actor and comedian known mainly for his work in Hollywood films. Candy rose to fame in the 1970s as a member of the Toronto branch of the Second City and its SCTV series, and through his appearances in comedy films, including Stripes (1981), Splash (1984), Summer Rental (1985), Spaceballs (1987), Uncle Buck (1989) and Cool Runnings (1993), portraying Chester "Chet" Ripley in She's Having a Baby and The Great Outdoors (both 1988), as well as more dramatic roles in Only the Lonely and JFK (both 1991). One of his most renowned onscreen performances was as Del Griffith, the talkative shower-curtain ring salesman in the John Hughes comedy film Planes, Trains and Automobiles (1987).

In addition to his work as an actor, Candy was a co-owner of the Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Football League (CFL), and the team won the 1991 Grey Cup under his ownership. Candy died in 1994 at the age of 43. His final two film appearances, Wagons East and Canadian Bacon, are dedicated to his memory.

Full name: John Candy

Born: October 31, 1950

Passed away: March 4, 1994

Age: 44 years of age

Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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