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Biography of Joachim B. Schmidt (a.k.a.: Joachim Beat Schmidt)

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Joachim Beat Schmidt (born 1981 in Thusis, Switzerland) is a naturalized Icelandic journalist, writer, and author.

Joachim Schmidt grew up as the son of a farmer on Heinzenberg in Cazis and initially completed an apprenticeship as a qualified draftsman . When he finished school, his godmother gave him a trip to a country of his choice in Europe. He chose Iceland, went there in 1997 and was fascinated. He returned a few years later, first in 2003 as a tourist, then for a full year in 2004 to see if he could survive the winter there. In love with the country, he decided in 2007 to make it his full adopted country and subsequently even acquired local citizenship . He worked as a journalist, farm hand, gardener, drywall mason, waiter, busboy, dairy worker and receptionist. In 2010, he won the Blick am Abend and Thalia writing competition “Big longing for writing” with the short story Stoffel waiting , in which almost 3,500 people took part. The short story was published in spring 2011 in an anthology by Landverlag.

In 2013 he published the novel Near the Coast with Landverlag. Schmidt was invited to the Solothurn Literature Days in 2013. In late autumn 2014, his second novel Am Tisch sits a soldier, and in May 2017 his third novel Moosflüstern was also published by Landverlag. His fourth novel , Kalmann , was published by Diogenes in autumn 2020 .

Joachim B. Schmidt lives and works as a journalist, author and tourist guide in Reykjavík , Iceland . According to his own statement, he is now a member of the Icelandic Writers' Union.

Full name: Joachim B. Schmidt

Born: June 14, 1981

Birthplace: Thusis, Obwalden, Switzerland

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