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In Loving Memory of Harry Reems (a.k.a.: Harry Reams)

Born August 27, 1947 - Passed Away March 19, 2013

Harry Reems

This memorial website was created in the memory of Harry Reems , born in The Bronx, New York on August 27, 1947 and passed away on March 19, 2013 at 66 years of age.

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Herbert John Streicher (August 27, 1947 – March 19, 2013), better known by his professional pseudonym Harry Reems, was an American pornographic actor and later a successful real estate agent. His most famous roles were as Doctor Young in the 1972 pornographic cult classic Deep Throat and The Teacher in the 1973 classic The Devil in Miss Jones. Throughout the 1970s and into the mid-1980s, he was one of the most prolific performers in the adult film industry. He became the first American actor to be prosecuted solely for appearing in a film. He retired from the industry in 1985. He is also known as Harry Reams, Harry Reemes, Peter Long, Bruce Gilchrist, Charles Lamont, Tim Long, Ned Reems, Dan Stryker, Herb Streecher, Herb Streicher, Herb Stryker, and Bob Walters.

Reems was born Herbert John Streicher on August 27, 1947 into a Jewish family. In 1967, he moved to East Village in Manhattan where his brother and roommate were gaining experience as actors. His early (non-porn) acting career were principally in off-Broadway theater for La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, New York Theater Ensemble and National Shakespeare Company.

Reems died of pancreatic cancer on March 19, 2013, aged 65, at the Salt Lake City Veterans Administration Medical Center. He had no children.

Full name: Harry Reems

Born: August 27, 1947

Passed away: March 19, 2013

Age: 66 years of age

Birthplace: The Bronx, New York, USA

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