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In Loving Memory of Diana Dors (a.k.a.: Diana Mary Fluck)

Born October 23, 1931 - Passed Away May 4, 1984

Diana Dors

This memorial website was created in the memory of Diana Dors , born in Swindon, Wiltshire on October 23, 1931 and passed away on May 4, 1984 at 53 years of age.

Diana Dors Famous Celebrity
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Diana Dors (born Diana Mary Fluck; 23 October 1931 – 4 May 1984) was an English actress and singer. She was also known as Diana d'Ors, The Siren of Swindon, The Hurricane in Mink, and The Blonde Bombshell.

She first came to public notice as a blonde bombshell, much in the style of American Marilyn Monroe, as promoted by her first husband, Dennis Hamilton, mostly via sex film-comedies and risqué modelling. After it transpired that Hamilton had been defrauding her, she continued to play up to her established image, and she made tabloid headlines with the parties reportedly held at her house. Later, she showed talent as a performer on TV, in recordings, and in cabaret, and gained new public popularity as a regular chat-show guest. She also gave well-regarded film performances at different points in her career.

According to David Thomson, "Dors represented that period between the end of the war and the coming of Lady Chatterley in paperback, a time when sexuality was naughty, repressed and fit to burst."

Full name: Diana Dors

Born: October 23, 1931

Passed away: May 4, 1984

Age: 53 years of age

Birthplace: Swindon, Wiltshire, United Kingdom

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