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In Loving Memory of Cassandra Lynn (a.k.a.: Cassandra Lyn)

Born August 15, 1979 - Passed Away January 15, 2014

Cassandra Lynn

This memorial website was created in the memory of Cassandra Lynn , born in Price on August 15, 1979 and passed away on January 15, 2014 at 35 years of age.

Cassandra Lynn Famous Celebrity
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Cassandra Lynn was an American nude model. She was Playboy's Playmate of the Month for February 2006. Her nickname was "Butterfly" due to the five stylized butterfly tattoos of different sizes on various parts of her body, including her back and lower back. She is also known as Cassandra Delia and Cassandra Lyn. Cassandra was born in Price, Utah, lived mostly in Huntington, Utah and Ferron, Utah as a girl, before moving with her mother to the Salt Lake Valley. She graduated from Emery High School in Castle Dale in 1997. In high school she was in concert choir and on the diving team. She was nominated as the girl who would most likely be in a "Bellybutton R' Us" calendar. At 18, she headed to Southern California, where she opened a tanning salon and launched a bikini-modeling career. She once competed in a Hawaiian Tropic bikini pageant under the name Cassandra Delia, of Ogden. She returns to Utah occasionally to snowboard. She is a download for Sprint and Nextel. Cassandra Lynn has said that she likes sex because "It can be what you want it to be. It can be soft and nice, and it can be rough and hard." She was found dead in January 2014 at a friend's home in Los Angeles, possibly from a drug overdose. She had recently become an event hostess and was in LA to host an event. She was staying at a friend's apartment. They found her unresponsive in a bathtub after returning from the event.

Full name: Cassandra Lynn

Born: August 15, 1979

Passed away: January 15, 2014

Age: 35 years of age

Birthplace: Price, USA

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