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This Year You Write Your Novel Book

This Year You Write Your Novel
This Year You Write Your Novel, No more excuses. Let the lawn get shaggy and the paint peel from the walls, bestselling novelist Walter Mosley advises. Anyone can write a novel now, and in this essential book of tips, practical advice, and wisdom, Walter Mosley promises that the write, This Year You Write Your Novel has a rating of 3.5 stars
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This Year You Write Your Novel, No more excuses. Let the lawn get shaggy and the paint peel from the walls, bestselling novelist Walter Mosley advises. Anyone can write a novel now, and in this essential book of tips, practical advice, and wisdom, Walter Mosley promises that the write, This Year You Write Your Novel
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  • This Year You Write Your Novel
  • Written by author Walter Mosley
  • Published by Little, Brown & Company, January 2009
  • No more excuses. "Let the lawn get shaggy and the paint peel from the walls," bestselling novelist Walter Mosley advises. Anyone can write a novel now, and in this essential book of tips, practical advice, and wisdom, Walter Mosley promises that the write
  • No more excuses. "Let the lawn get shaggy and the paint peel from the walls," bestselling novelist Walter Mosley advises. Anyone can write a novel now, and in this essential book of tips, practical advice, and wisdom, Walter Mosley promises that the write
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Introduction     3
The General Disciplines That Every Writer Needs     7
Writing Every Day     7
Learning How to Write Without Restraint     10
Avoidance, False Starts, and Dead-End Thinking     13
A Final Note About Process     14
The Elements of Fiction     17
The Narrative Voice     17
First-Person Narrative     18
Third-Person Narrative     22
The Omniscient Narrator     25
Final Notes on Narrative Voice     29
Showing and Telling     30
Sensations     34
Emotions     35
The Pedestrian in Fiction     36
Metaphor and Simile     37
Final Note on Showing and Telling     40
Character and Character Development     40
A Final Note on Character Development     47
Story     48
Intuition Versus Structure     51
Engagement     55
Plot     56
Final Thoughts on Plot and Story     61
The Uses of Poetry in Fiction Writing     62
Where to Begin     65
Congratulations     65
First Words     65
TheMidlands of the Novel     69
Research     70
Rewriting, or Editing     73
The First Draft     73
The Second Draft     74
The Many Drafts That Follow     76
The Elements of Rewriting     78
The Nexus of Character, Story, Theme, and Plot     78
The Devil and the Details     81
Repetition     81
Descriptions and Condensation     82
Dialogue     87
A Solitary Exercise     92
Music     93
When Am I Finished Rewriting?     95
Miscellany     97
On Genre     97
A Note on Aesthetics     98
Writing Workshops     99
Literary Organizations, Agents, Publishers...and Getting Published     101
In Summation     103
Index     105









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This Year You Write Your Novel, No more excuses. Let the lawn get shaggy and the paint peel from the walls, bestselling novelist Walter Mosley advises. Anyone can write a novel now, and in this essential book of tips, practical advice, and wisdom, Walter Mosley promises that the write, This Year You Write Your Novel

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This Year You Write Your Novel, No more excuses. Let the lawn get shaggy and the paint peel from the walls, bestselling novelist Walter Mosley advises. Anyone can write a novel now, and in this essential book of tips, practical advice, and wisdom, Walter Mosley promises that the write, This Year You Write Your Novel

This Year You Write Your Novel

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This Year You Write Your Novel, No more excuses. Let the lawn get shaggy and the paint peel from the walls, bestselling novelist Walter Mosley advises. Anyone can write a novel now, and in this essential book of tips, practical advice, and wisdom, Walter Mosley promises that the write, This Year You Write Your Novel

This Year You Write Your Novel

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