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Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy Book

Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy
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Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy, On December 21, 1910, a routine four-man Royal North-West Mounted Police patrol led by Inspector Francis J. Fitzgerald set off from Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, by dogsled. Its destination: Dawson City, Yukon Territory, 475 miles away. Some, Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy
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  • Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy
  • Written by author Dick North
  • Published by Raincoast Book Distribution, 2/28/2008
  • On December 21, 1910, a routine four-man Royal North-West Mounted Police patrol led by Inspector Francis J. Fitzgerald set off from Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, by dogsled. Its destination: Dawson City, Yukon Territory, 475 miles away. Some
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On December 21, 1910, a routine four-man Royal North-West Mounted Police patrol led by Inspector Francis J. Fitzgerald set off from Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, by dogsled.
Its destination: Dawson City, Yukon Territory, 475 miles away. Something, however, went terribly wrong.
Using techniques similar to those of a skilled detective, author Dick North pieces the evidence together in an attempt to solve the mystery of the doomed journey that has gone down in Mountie annals as the Lost Patrol. First, he provides an intriguing portrait of Inspector Fitzgerald, a proud, trailblazing pioneer of the Canadian North, then he sets the tragedy in context with an absorbing account of Mountie patrols in the frigid Arctic. Finally, with riveting, excruciating detail, he relates the day-to-day fatal progress of Fitzgerald and his three companions and convincingly posits what caused the men to perish a scant 35 miles from their starting point.
Like the puzzling fate of Sir John Franklin's disastrous Northwest Passage expedition, the grisly outcome of the Lost Patrol has become part of Canadian folklore. Now, in this new, revised edition of a Canadian classic, Dick North weaves a spellbinding true tale worthy of Jack London himself.









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Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy, On December 21, 1910, a routine four-man Royal North-West Mounted Police patrol led by Inspector Francis J. Fitzgerald set off from Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, by dogsled. 
Its destination: Dawson City, Yukon Territory, 475 miles away. Some, Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy

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Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy, On December 21, 1910, a routine four-man Royal North-West Mounted Police patrol led by Inspector Francis J. Fitzgerald set off from Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, by dogsled. 
Its destination: Dawson City, Yukon Territory, 475 miles away. Some, Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy

Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy

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Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy, On December 21, 1910, a routine four-man Royal North-West Mounted Police patrol led by Inspector Francis J. Fitzgerald set off from Fort McPherson, Northwest Territories, by dogsled. 
Its destination: Dawson City, Yukon Territory, 475 miles away. Some, Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy

Lost Patrol : The Mounties' Yukon Tragedy

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