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Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt Book

Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt
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Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt, The amazing true life story of Chuck Fipke, the mining exploration geologist responsible for discovering the vast new diamond fields in Canada's North, reads like spell-binding adventure fiction. Following Fipke in his travels, we experience the fast-p, Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt
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  • Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt
  • Written by author Vernon Frolick
  • Published by Raincoast Books, 2000/08/31
  • The amazing true life story of Chuck Fipke, the mining exploration geologist responsible for discovering the vast new diamond fields in Canada's North, reads like spell-binding adventure fiction. Following Fipke in his travels, we experience the fast-p
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The amazing true life story of Chuck Fipke, the mining exploration geologist responsible for discovering the vast new diamond fields in Canada's North, reads like spell-binding adventure fiction.

Following Fipke in his travels, we experience the fast-paced, cutthroat world of mineral exploration in exotic locales around the world, from the jungles of New Guinea to the savannahs of South Africa to the rainforests of the Amazon to the Arctic tundra. Fipke is a modern-day adventurer, an Indiana Jones of mining exploration, obsessed with the quest for minerals. His is a complex personality combining a virtuoso understanding of the science behind mineral exploration with a compulsive drive for adventure. The story culminates in Fipke's staking of the potentially multi-billion-dollar Ekati diamond claim in Canada's Northwest Territories, now being developed into one of the largest diamond mines outside South Africa.









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Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt, The amazing true life story of Chuck Fipke, the mining exploration geologist responsible for discovering the vast new diamond fields in Canada's North, reads like spell-binding adventure fiction.
Following Fipke in his travels, we experience the fast-p, Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt

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Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt, The amazing true life story of Chuck Fipke, the mining exploration geologist responsible for discovering the vast new diamond fields in Canada's North, reads like spell-binding adventure fiction.
Following Fipke in his travels, we experience the fast-p, Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt

Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt

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Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt, The amazing true life story of Chuck Fipke, the mining exploration geologist responsible for discovering the vast new diamond fields in Canada's North, reads like spell-binding adventure fiction.
Following Fipke in his travels, we experience the fast-p, Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt

Fire into Ice : Charles Fipke and the Great Diamond Hunt

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