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The Rice Queen Spy Book

The Rice Queen Spy
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The Rice Queen Spy, Philip Croft, a master spy for Her Majesty's secret service was cruelly outed and tortured for his homosexuality. He was a rice queen-partial only to Asian men, a gentle man who was betrayed by some-not for being gay, but for being too decent and naïve. <, The Rice Queen Spy
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  • The Rice Queen Spy
  • Written by author Rooney, John F
  • Published by Senneff House, 2007
  • Philip Croft, a master spy for Her Majesty's secret service was cruelly outed and tortured for his homosexuality. He was a rice queen-partial only to Asian men, a gentle man who was betrayed by some-not for being gay, but for being too decent and naïve.
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Philip Croft, a master spy for Her Majesty's secret service was cruelly outed and tortured for his homosexuality. He was a rice queen-partial only to Asian men, a gentle man who was betrayed by some-not for being gay, but for being too decent and naïve.
This novel traces Philip's life and his loves, and is a triumphant testimony to a gay man's passage to old age. He kept his dignity and lived a full life while briefly thumbing his nose at his former superiors by opening a gay sauna in London. This book breathes life into a gay man who served his country through deception, and though his country punished him for his personal deception, he became the victor rather than the victim.









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The Rice Queen Spy, Philip Croft, a master spy for Her Majesty's secret service was cruelly outed and tortured for his homosexuality. He was a rice queen-partial only to Asian men, a gentle man who was betrayed by some-not for being gay, but for being too decent and naïve. <, The Rice Queen Spy

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The Rice Queen Spy, Philip Croft, a master spy for Her Majesty's secret service was cruelly outed and tortured for his homosexuality. He was a rice queen-partial only to Asian men, a gentle man who was betrayed by some-not for being gay, but for being too decent and naïve. <, The Rice Queen Spy

The Rice Queen Spy

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The Rice Queen Spy, Philip Croft, a master spy for Her Majesty's secret service was cruelly outed and tortured for his homosexuality. He was a rice queen-partial only to Asian men, a gentle man who was betrayed by some-not for being gay, but for being too decent and naïve. <, The Rice Queen Spy

The Rice Queen Spy

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