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Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects Book

Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects
Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects, The political world is experiencing a series of immense pressures - political cyncism, voter dissatisfaction, alienation of the young, new radical political movements... everything is in turmoil and disarray.After last century's experimenation with neo-co, Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects has a rating of 2.5 stars
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Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects, The political world is experiencing a series of immense pressures - political cyncism, voter dissatisfaction, alienation of the young, new radical political movements... everything is in turmoil and disarray.After last century's experimenation with neo-co, Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects
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  • Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects
  • Written by author Tom Axworthy
  • Published by Mosaic Press NY, January 2010
  • The political world is experiencing a series of immense pressures - political cyncism, voter dissatisfaction, alienation of the young, new radical political movements... everything is in turmoil and disarray.After last century's experimenation with neo-co
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Book Categories


Liberalism: The Return of the Perennial Philosophy3
Can the System be Moved?22
A Choice not an Echo: Sharing North America with the Hyperpower27
Social Cohesion and Nation-Building: The Role of Liberal Values in Connecting Canadians49
Choices and Consequences: in a Liberal Foreign Policy63
A Liberal View of Science80
Polling Alone: Canadian Values and Liberalism85
Canada's New Millennium: The Role of the Corporate Sector105
Some Thoughts About a Liberal Legal Culture: Considering Canada's Anti-Terrorism Act, the Constitution and the HR Revolution111
Health Care and the Search for New Liberalism in Canada135
Higher Education: Moving on a Positive Climate147
The New Liberalism: Ideas and Ideals163
Transportation in Canada: Solutions to the Gridlock175
Canada's Domestic Expatriates: the Urban Aboriginal Population193
Canada's Environmental Record: The Case of (and for) the Kyoto Protocol210
The New Liberalism and Canada's Public Service232
National Identity and the Cultural Covenant248
Doing Business a Better Way: Some Comments253
Does Canada Have an Innovation Strategy?256
Health Care and the Search for New Liberalism in Canada: Some Comments260
The Role of Governmental Effectiveness in a New Liberalism: Four Key Gaps265
The New Liberalism and Canada's Public Service274
Some Structures to Think with: Interconnectivity and Network Possibilities279
A "Brand Canada" For the Connected World291
Canada Unbound: Redefining Citizenship for a Borderless World308
The Challenge of e-democracy for Political Parties321
Political Reforms in Canada: Strengthening Representative Government355
Leadership Now397
Reconnecting the People and the Politics Through Renewal405
Canada and the World409









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Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects, The political world is experiencing a series of immense pressures - political cyncism, voter dissatisfaction, alienation of the young, new radical political movements... everything is in turmoil and disarray.After last century's experimenation with neo-co, Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects

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Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects, The political world is experiencing a series of immense pressures - political cyncism, voter dissatisfaction, alienation of the young, new radical political movements... everything is in turmoil and disarray.After last century's experimenation with neo-co, Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects

Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects

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Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects, The political world is experiencing a series of immense pressures - political cyncism, voter dissatisfaction, alienation of the young, new radical political movements... everything is in turmoil and disarray.After last century's experimenation with neo-co, Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects

Searching for the New Liberalism: Perspectives, Policies, Prospects

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