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High-Yield: Cell and Molecular Biology Book

High-Yield: Cell and Molecular Biology
High-Yield: Cell and Molecular Biology, , High-Yield: Cell and Molecular Biology has a rating of 5 stars
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High-Yield: Cell and Molecular Biology, , High-Yield: Cell and Molecular Biology
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  • High-Yield: Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Written by author Ronald W. Dudek
  • Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, November 2006
  • This completely revised and updated review book consolidates the most important clinical issues that medical students need to know to be prepared for questions on USMLE Step 1. The book reviews key cell biology concepts needed to study molecular biology,
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The Cell Membrane: Eicosanoids and Receptors/Signal Transduction
I. The Lipid Component of the Cell Membrane II. The Protein Component of the Cell Membrane III. Membrane Transport Proteins IV. G-Protein-Linked Receptors V. Types of G-Protein-Linked Receptors VI. Enzyme-Linked Receptors VII. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Receptor VIII. Summary Table

Cytoplasm and Organelles
I. Cytoplasm II. Ribosomes III. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum IV. Golgi Complex V. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (sER)
VI. Mitochondria VII. Lysosomes VIII. Peroxisomes IX. Cytoskeleton X. Cell Inclusions XI. Selected Photomicrographs

I. Nuclear Envelope II. Apoptosis III. Nucleolus IV. Assembly of the Ribosome

Protein Synthesis
I. General Features II. Transcription III. Processing the RNA Transcript into MRNA IV. Translation V. Clinical Considerations

Chromosomal DNA
I. The Biochemistry of Nucleic Acids II. Levels of DNA Packaging III. Centromere IV. Heterochromatin and Euchromatin V. Studying Human Chromosomes VI. Staining of Chromosomes VII. Chromosome Morphology

Numerical Chromosomal Anomalies
I. Polyploidy II. Mixoploidy III. Aneuploidy IV. Selected Photographs

Structural Chromosomal Abnormalities
I. Deletions II. Microdeletions III. Translocations IV. Unstable Expanding Repeat Mutations (Dynamic Mutations)
V. Isochromosomes VI. Inversions VII. Breakage VIII. Selected Photographs

Chromosome Replication and DNA Synthesis
I. General Features II. The Replication Process III. The Telomere IV. Types of DNA Damage and DNA Repair V. Summary of DNA Replication Machinery

Meiosis and Genetic Recombination
I. Meiosis II. Oogenesis: Female Gametogenesis III. Spermatogenesis: Male Gametogenesis IV. Genetic Recombination

The Human Nuclear Genome
I. General Features II. Protein-Coding Genes III. RNA-Coding Genes IV. Epigenetic Control V. Non-Coding DNA

The Human Mitochondrial Genome
I. General Features II. Protein-Coding Genes III. RNA-Coding Genes IV. Other Mitochondrial Proteins V. Mitochondrial Diseases

Control of Gene Expression
I. General Features II. Mechanism of Gene Expression III. The Structure of Transcription Factors, Gene Regulatory Proteins, and Other Trans-Acting Factors IV. Clinical Considerations V. Other Mechanisms of Gene Expression VI. The lac Operon VII. The trp Operon

Mutations of the DNA Sequence
I. General Features II. Silent (Synonymous) Mutations III. Non-Silent (Nonsynonymous) Mutations IV. Loss of Function and Gain of Function Mutations V. Other Types of Polymorphisms

Proto-Oncogenes, Oncogenes, and Tumor-Suppressor Genes
I. Definitions II. Designations III. Proto-Oncogenes and Oncogenes IV. Tumor Suppressor Genes V. Molecular Pathology of Colorectal Cancer

The Cell Cycle
I. Phases of the Cell Cycle II. Control of the Cell Cycle III. Stages of the M (Mitosis) Phase

Molecular Biology of Cancer
I. The Causes of Cancer II. The Six Superpowers of a Cancer Cell

Homeotic Genes and Anterior/Posterior Body Pattern Formation
I. Introduction II. Human Homeotic Genes

The Human Mitochondrial Genome









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High-Yield: Cell and Molecular Biology

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