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A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential Book

A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential
A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential, <i>A Sense of Dance: Exploring Your Movement Potential, Second Edition,</i> is written for true beginners—students who are exploring the art form for the first time and are not likely to describe themselves as dancers. Through this text, students discover, A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential has a rating of 3.5 stars
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A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential, A Sense of Dance: Exploring Your Movement Potential, Second Edition, is written for true beginners—students who are exploring the art form for the first time and are not likely to describe themselves as dancers. Through this text, students discover, A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential
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  • A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential
  • Written by author Constance Schrader
  • Published by Human Kinetics Publishers, March 2004
  • A Sense of Dance: Exploring Your Movement Potential, Second Edition, is written for true beginners—students who are exploring the art form for the first time and are not likely to describe themselves as dancers. Through this text, students discover
  • A Sense of Dance: Exploring Your Movement Potential, Second Edition, is written for true beginners—students who are exploring the art form for the first time and are not likely to describe themselves as dancers. Through this text, student
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Ch. 1What is dance?3
Ch. 2The power of dance15
Ch. 3How do you learn to dance?37
Ch. 4Your moving body51
Ch. 5The elements of dance69
Ch. 6Time81
Ch. 7Space95
Ch. 8Effort109
Ch. 9Body intelligence125
Ch. 10Your sense of style137
Ch. 11Patterns of coordination and style145
Ch. 12Making a statement through dance155
Ch. 13Composition171
Ch. 14Is this dance good?187
Photo credits199
About the author206









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A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential, <i>A Sense of Dance: Exploring Your Movement Potential, Second Edition,</i> is written for true beginners—students who are exploring the art form for the first time and are not likely to describe themselves as dancers. Through this text, students discover, A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential

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A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential, <i>A Sense of Dance: Exploring Your Movement Potential, Second Edition,</i> is written for true beginners—students who are exploring the art form for the first time and are not likely to describe themselves as dancers. Through this text, students discover, A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential

A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential

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A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential, <i>A Sense of Dance: Exploring Your Movement Potential, Second Edition,</i> is written for true beginners—students who are exploring the art form for the first time and are not likely to describe themselves as dancers. Through this text, students discover, A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential

A Sense of Dance - 2nd Edition: Exploring Your Movement Potential

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